CHAPTER 31; Facing death

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3rd person POV
With every corridor and room searched the death toll seemed to rise so far they had 20 dead. Hermione and Percy were still up crying in the astronomy tower when McGonagall found them. She summoned 2 stretchers and together they all made their way into the hall. Hermione was still bawling and so was Percy. Lupins body was laid down beside his wife's who had turned up sometime in the battle but nobody knew when. Fred's body was laid down about 4 metres away. Hermione crouched down beside Fred and began to stroke his hair and cry "I'm sorry Fred. I'm so so so sorry" she whispered to him. Percy went off to find his family and tell them the news. He gathered everyone and brought them over. "No,no,no,no!" Cried Ginny it got louder after every 'no'. Molly crouched down on the other side of Fred and began to sob heavily, George sat beside Hermione, 1 arm around her, sobbing as he looked down at his brother. Percy stood with his father, arm in arm, tears rolling down their face. Bill and Fleur stood together sobbing. Ron sat beside his Mother. He too was sobbing heavily. Harry approached the group, Ginny rushed over and greeted him with a hug and began to cry into his shoulder. "Harry! It's Fred! Harry, he's gone..." Harry felt a pang of guilt. "Fred is dead because of me. He was trying to help and protect me and he died doing it" Harry thought as his best friends sister cried onto his shoulder. People gathered. Hermione eventually went over to Lupin and Tonk's bodies and began to cry Draco was there supporting her and a few tears even rolled down his face. He had liked Lupin. He had accepted him without question that's why he got on so well with him. Everyone has someone to mourn. But eventually, all the bodies were covered and people were asked to go home and if they had a dead relative, their body would be delivered to them. So with that, Hermione approached Mrs.Weasley "Molly, Draco and I are gonna leave you guys to-" Hermione was cut off by Molly automatically "No, Hermione you were like his sister, he loved you like a little sister, he loved you the way he loved Ginny. You are part of our family Mione. You and Draco are coming with us and so is Harry. Everyone apperated to the Burrow and awaited the arrival of Lupin's, Tonk's and Fred's bodies......

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