So Tell Me What are u Upto??

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Hello everyone ,here is my another update .pls read it and don't forget to vote and comment


Still in Author's POV

"YOU ,WHY ARE U HERE ??" he asked

The man came inside the flat and sat on the couch and started humming a tune perhaps THE DAY sang by K.Will and BYUN BAEKHYUN

Yes ur thoughts might be right of u thought the person was Baekhyun

The person who always tortures Kyungsoo next to Chanyeol is him

But Baekhyun didn't respond him but instead kept on surfing between channels

He made him more angry.He pulled him up by holding his shirt collar and gave him a nice punch on his face

He asked once again
" Now tell me Y the hell r u in here? " he blasted on Baekhyun

But the innocent Baekhyun adjusted his shirt and looked at D.O

" Is this how u treat ur frnd who is also a mood reliever? Give some respect to ur Hyung at least dongsaeng"

D.O calmed himself down and sat beside Baeky

" How did u know that I'm here ?" He asked calmly

"Well ,if u,ask it .It's all Suho's fault" he said

"What " D.O said with wide opened eyes

" Yes,It was yesterday after u spoke with Chen .He said What u asked him and Suho gave a don't - be -fooled around look which made everyone doubt abt ur actions

Later that night we all watched movies with leaving Suho was in deep sleep .

You know that he blabbers things in his sleep and so he did it

He said he was here in search of Snega and still u have no luck of it and when Chen said that u needed help to get close to a grl we quite understood what u wanted to do

U need help frm ppl frm this area too to do that

And that's when she showed up to u"

He said the whole thing without missing a single one as if he had a mind reading power or something

Kyungsoo has nothing to say him

He was happy that everyone understood what he wants to do and at the same time angry abt Suho who let out the secret

He was confused how other might take it

Suddenly Baekhyun took out his phone and called Chanyeol

Baekhyun : Eobsaeyo .It's me Baeky.I reached here safely.I'm here with Kyungsoo now

Chanyeol on the other line

Chanyeol: put the call in speaker now we have our Hyungs to speak too .It'll be like a Hyung meeting now.So be ready there Baek

Baek :* turns the speaker on * sure Channy

Both Baeky and Channy turns the speaker on and kept the phone at center on the table

On one side Baekhyun and Kyungsoo and on the other it's Chanyeol and the rest

Xiumin : Kyungsoo if this is the reason that u went on vocation thence would've helped out nah

Sehun : u don't need to hide it from us

Kris : I'm really disappointed in u D.O

Chanyeol : Guys stop it .He should've had his own reasons for it .Let him speak

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