Can I Spend Extra Time with U??

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Kyungsoo's POV

She came and stood in front of me and looked down to her feet

I think she was tense of speaking to me but why is she like this all of a sudden to me

She always be free ask me stuffs and share things to me as if we were frnds for do long

I asked what it was .she lifed her head up looking at me now. She was abt to say something but I was an idiot to talk which made her even more tense than before now i slapped myself for my stupid act

I don't know y but there is always an ackward atmosphere around me whenever I we r together .I don't know y but it happens only between us two .I like this .I don't y my head likes this kind of things all of a sudden

Now back to reality
Where was I

She took a deep breath and also closed her eyes and it made me even more confused

"Can I help u out in cleaning the place after everyone leave ?" she asked .I thought I might be something serious but look at her she is asking permission

"What for ?"I asked
"Well I wanna know abt cooking and stuffs .I tasted my fish .It was So So horrible "she said

Well I was the one Who made it horrible in the first place I said to myself and

"ok I'll accept ur demand but on one condition .."I said she was confused

"U have to clean my house after 8pm everyday.and this should be done once everyone leave this place ."I ordered her

She just nodded her head as a yes and walked to her place

I saw her disappear standing at the corridors .When I turned back there was this Joe

He gave me a *u never realize *look and went in and brought her granny out perhaps for a walk in the corridors

I didn't want to make the atmospher filled with anger and annoyance

Hus granny was still having a kind and loving heart for me but the reason is unknown

"My son would u like to stay with us toni8 at outr place ?"she asked

I was without words happy and delight full

Its he first time someone invited to me to come to their place

I was abt to enter and that's when Joe blocked me by keeping his hand between me and the door

I sensed his is irritated and
"I too wanted to but I'm a bit tired ma'am maybe next time.Bit its kind of u to ask me "I said

"What he says is ri8 granny .Maybe next time will be nice",Joe said

"No u r not Mister. Y r staying with us and that's final .Any problems in it Mister?" She said

Well no one can't resist a lady's wish
And so I went in

To my surprise all 5live and few others were there too

Chinwa was helping granny to sit in the couch
And others were eating snacks and giggling and laughing

When they saw they didn't show ant sort of surprise

They pulled me to them as I'd we were thick buddies from long back

Kirito and Edward placed their hands on my shoulder and Alphonse grabbed me by my waist to male me sit on the floor

Therly were all watching some shows on their televison

We enjoyed a lot .We ate ,We danced ,We sang.Off course I sang our group songs like Moonlight ,Black Pearl ,Growl,Monster ,One and only and sorts

It Starts And Ends With Her(Exo D.O fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now