Happy birthday Do Kyungsoo !

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I thanked them all and stepped out of the institution

There I he saw a brand new car parked near the gates

"I guess u r gonna stay here for it birthday too " a husky voice spoke near his ears

He was abt to jump but someone grabbed him by his shoulders to prevent him from escaping from them

He turned around to see who it was
It was two tall figures who's faces where black due to the shining sun

And their faces came to view


"Hey u two .Y r u here ??"Kyungsoo shouted

"Ufff......waeyo ...is this how u talk to ur frnds whom u met long back ??Be more polite dude "one of the tall guy named Kris said

"Y did u two come here without informing me ?I would've made something for u guys to eat .I'm now only leaving the skl .Y idiots won't leave to bake things for u too"he said while removing their grasp from his body

"Oh Cmon we will go out and purchase things.We are gonna eat out toni8.Coz its ur birthday"
"Wait here I'll inform my students so that they won't come to my eve classes and won't get disappointed"he said and walked to the front gates

He informed pooja that there will be no evening classes for anyone today coz he has some unexpected guests

She nodded and looked the direction of Chanyeol and Kris

She was a bit disappointed that it wasn't Suho

Kyungsoo got that and
"Don't sorry next time I'll surely get Suho for u .He'll love to see such a good girl like u .When we talked recently he said that he likes u alot and he'll surely come and meet u within these 3 months .Are u happy now pooja?"he asked .She nodded and  a yes and left the place and went and greeted both Chanyeol and Kris

They too greeted her and she left them to her place with other 5live students

I walked to Kris and said that they gave permission and we all gave hi5s and hugs since we met each other after a month

It was really a hard time living without them though the r troublesome to me

"Now get in the car we have a lot to look around "Chanyeol said as he pushed me into the passenger seat

Kris sat next to me at the back
And Chanyeol sat next to the driver's seat
I was confused on who was driving the car

Suddenly someone opened the car
And it was

"Sorry Chany hyung and Kris hyung .I couldn't come fast.There was a girl near to ur appartment when I want to see how ur flat was.She was really cute and stunning. I couldn't take my eyes of her .Then the secretary drove me out .I couldn't talk to her or know her name too--"he was cut of when Chanyeol gave a hit on his head

"I told u not to hang around alone .What if someone catches u .Ull be put to danger u idiot"he shouted

Kyungsoo got his ears and folded it
"Dont worry too much .Most of them here don't know us .Its safe here.And moreover ppl here won't even think of spreading the news to others "Kyungsoo said

"Its strange "Kris said

"Now let's explore "Sehun said as he drove the car at full speed

They reached a shop
It was a gift shop
They  all got in and bought some gifts
The rest bought my gifts
He bought them too
Next they stopped at a cloths stall

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