If I Knew

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George's POV:

and I were coming down the hall when we saw Bruno getting a doctor, and then he looked at us, as though he was looking for us. He quickly rushed over to us out of breath, his eyes wide open, he was trying to find the words to speak.

"Come! Come! Quick!" He blurted out as he pulled us by the arm, we followed.

"Can you explain what's going on?" I asked as we continued to follow him.

"It's Anaissa, she's awake!" Bruno said as he continued to pull us, looking forward. At that, we started running to her room. She's awake, she's alive, I can hold her, everything can go back to normal, the way it was. We came in to the room, and she looked at the doctor, as if she had gotten the biggest shock ever. She saw me out of the corner of her eye, but didn't say anything. I tried to stay calm, but the tears were building up, I rushed to her and hugged her, squeezing her tight. Even though it felt good to hold her, it felt different, she didn't hug me back, she didn't do anything. I let go of her, and moved back, giving her some air. I smiled at her, waiting for her to react in some way. She tried to speak, but the doctor explained that she wouldn't be able to speak for a while, since she was still waking up. I was so ecstatic to see her awake, and that Shelly wouldn't have to feel bad anymore. I thought everything would be normal and happy, but my happiness would soon be overtaken with sadness and painful reality.

Aissa's POV:

came and got us as we were walking the hallways. He told us that Anaissa was finally awake. I was so happy! Well, that she was awake. We came in to her room, but Anaissa looked confused, and I didn't like the vibes in the room either. George went to hug her, and she didn't do anything but give him a confused look that made me start to worry. As he moved away, she tried to speak, but the doctor told us she wouldn't speak for a while since she was still waking up. I wanted to talk to her so badly, and ask how she was feeling, but she couldn't speak, and I didn't want to overwhelm her. I bit my tongue, trying not to blurt out everything I wanted answered, I had to wait. But after the answer the doctor gave us, I didn't even want the answers I was given. I began to wish it had been earlier when I was waiting for answers. I couldn't accept this, not this, anything but this.

Anaissa's POV:

The doctor came in, well, I guessed he was the doctor. He shone a light at my eyes, and told me I wouldn't speak for a couple hours. He also told me to take it easy, and to relax. Then, three people came in; The man who woke with me, then another man and a woman. They both had tears in their eyes, and the man came and hugged me. I didn't know who he was and I tried to speak, but I had forgotten that I couldn't speak. After the man hugged me, and then looked at me, as if waiting for me to do something, the doctor asked to speak to my parents, well, I guessed they were my parents. I was so confused, it was already getting to me. I wanted answers, I wanted to know who I was, what I was fdoing here, who all these people around me were, I wanted to remember. Did I forget then? My head was already hurting from confusion, I hated this. The man who woke with me stayed with me in my room as, the people who I assumed to be my parents, went to talk with the doctor as instructed. The man seemed very relieved, gentle, warm, caring, and he had the most cutest dimples! He looked at me and smiled, those dimples popped out! We simply sat together in silence, but I felt relaxed somehow.

"I know you're probably tired, or confused, or overwhelmed, I know you can't talk either," The man explained, his voice was so gentle, it was so soothing. "You can go to sleep if you want, I'll be here when you wake up." He said before he gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Go to sleep." He ordered softly. I smiled, closed my eyes, slept according to his orders, and I felt safe.

George's POV:

Our hearts sank when the doctor informed us that Anaissa may have memory loss, which would explain why she didn't react when I gave her that hug. Aissa and I were holding our hands, and when the doctor told us, Aissa squeezed my hand, a habit she does that when she's nervous.

"Due to falling on the stairs and bumping her head several times, she may not remember every detail of her life." Dr. Smith explained. 

"Will she ever get it back?" I asked quickly.

"Possibly, it's just that it may take time and patience, and she may not remember every single detail of her life. She needs to take it easy for the next couple months, she shouldn't be under any stress, or dramatic changes." The doctor said, we took in the information, and let it sink in. We left the office, in a daze, not wanting to accept the fact that Anaissa didn't remember who we were. How could she? How can you not remember anything? Your whole life, just wiped out, how is that possible? Aissa and I were silent as we entered the room to find Bruno watching Anaissa, smiling. We called him into the hall, and told him everything the doctor told us. Even as we were explaining this to him, I was still trying accepting it. My own daughter doesn't remember me, she doesn't remember her life. What?

Bruno's POV:

I lost it when George and Aissa told me about Anaissa losing her memory. 

"What?! What do you mean she may not remember everything!?" I blurted out, then throwing my fist at the wall and putting my hands over my head. I knew something was going to happen, why didn't I do something?! God damnit, I could've told security to be tighter. Look what I've done, because of me not telling security to be tighter, this poor innocent girl is going to have her life changed forever. Because of me she desn't even remember her God damn parents. Damn me. I could've told one person, one person is all it would've took to tell security to be tighter. Would it really have been that God damn hard?! No! It wouldn't have! So why didn't I?! They were going to keep Anaissa at the hospital for a couple days for observation, she would miss the first month of school, well college. She was going to stay in New Braunfels, a city about 45 minutes away from Austin, for a while before heading back to her real home. I made plans to visit her in between shows, and I would Skype her everyday, call her, anything. I couldn't believe this was happening, why do I hurt people? Why can't I just give people one good show? Why?! Why?!

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