The first fight

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The girls got dressed in their suites.

"You guys are gonna need this map. " said Mrs. Yuri
"OK. " said Amera
"This map shows where the elemental stones are, but only descendants of the Elementals can use it. " said Mrs. Yuri
"Thank you. " said Chloe

The girls went outside and noticed the clouds swirling in circles like a tornado but they weren't touching down.

"Guys, the wind and clouds are moving weirdly. " said Savannah
"This must be the cause of Mrs. Ping removing the water stone. " said Amera

Suddenly the clouds swirled into a ball and Mrs. Ping appeared in the sky.

"Foolish girls, indeed I stole the water stone, but my name is not Ping it's Kira. " evilly laughed Kira
"And why are you telling us this now." said Chloe
"I thought you four would want to know who defeated you in the great elemental war. " Chuckled Kira
"Are you sure it won't be YOU who is defeated, Kira? " said Amera
"Yeah, because we're the elementals' descendants. " said Cerenity
"Ha, the Elementals thought four teenage girls, who just learned to use their elements, would defeat me, heh. What a joke. " laughed Kira

Then as fast as light Kira threw fireballs at the girls, the girls swiftly dodged.

"Oh, faster then I thought. " said Kira
"Kira, why are you doing this?!" asked Mrs. Yuri
"Yuri, oh Yuri, with the stones under my control I can do anything, yeah loosing an entire universe is a big price to pay, heh, but having another universe that worships me, the most powerful of all beings, is definitely worth the cost. " said Kira vainly

Kira then created a rock golem.

"Don't let them follow me. " commanded Kira

Kira vanished in a cloud and the golem turned to the girls. It swung it's huge fist at them. Savannah and Cerenity were able to dodge it but Amera and Chloe got punched and flew towards the school.

"Guys, are you OK!? " asked Savannah
"Yeah. " said Chloe and Amera

Savannah and Cerenity kept the golem still for a while so Amera and Chloe could get up. Chloe then made another golem that was a little bigger.
"Assist us in this battle. " commanded Chloe

The golems went head on, they punched and kicked each other. Amera analyzed the golem, then remembered that some elements were stronger against one another.

"Chloe dose the golem have a weakness? " asked Amera as she blasted fire at Kira's golem
"The hole in the chest holds it's rock heart. " said Chloe
"OK, Savannah do you think you can blast your water gun in Kira's golem's heart?" asked Amera dodging the golems feet
"No, it's too high. " said Savannah

Then Kira's golem grabbed Cerenity and shook her around.

"Guys! Help! " said Cerenity
"Chloe, get your golem to help Savannah up closer to Kira's golem's heart, then Savannah I need you to blast your water gun into the hole." said Amera
"OK, Golem help Savannah get closer to the other golem's heart. " said Chloe

Chloe's golem put out it's palm, Savannah climbed on. The golem mover Savannah to it's shoulder, from the golem's shoulder Savannah could aim at Kira's golem, Savannah blasted the hole with her water gun. The golem fell to it's knees and tried to trip Chloe's golem to stop Savannah from shooting it's heart. Amera used her fire lasso to hold the golem down.

"Keep going. " said Amera

The golem starts to fall apart it's hands open and Cerenity is able to fly out.

"Are you alright? " asked Chloe
"Yeah, I'm fine. " said Cerenity

The golem put Savannah down.

"Golem watch over the people here and the school. " commanded Chloe
"Nice job guys. " said Mrs. Yuri
"Amera, that was great leadership. " said Chloe
"Thanks, but we better head out soon, Kira is after the other stones. " said Amera
"It will take her a while, she doesn't have a map to tell her where they are, she probably found it after some research. " said Mrs. Yuri
"OK. " said Amera
"I was just thinking, if we take the stones from their podiums then wouldn't the universe's balance still be interrupted. " asked Cerenity
"The only people who were able to control the stones were the Elementals, and sense you guys are the Elemental descendants you also can control the stones. " Explained Mrs. Yuri

The girls went home to tell their parents goodbye and that they will be back soon. The parents knew they couldn't stop their children, so they waved goodbye and cried.

"Girls, here are the Elementals' mysterious boxes. " said Mrs. Yuri
"Where did you get these? " asked Amera
"The Elementals wanted me to give them to you guys. " said Mrs. Yuri
"Wait, but. " said Savannah
"yes they were alive thousands and thousands of years ago, but I'm their messenger, I was left to help guide the four Elemental descendants. " said Mrs. Yuri
"wait your as old as the Elementals? " asked Chloe
"Yes. Anyways they wanted me to give you four these boxes, I wasn't able to open it so I don't know what is in them. " said Mrs. Yuri

The girls examined the boxes.

"Hey guys, there are hand prints on the top of the boxes." said Amera
"What if we put our hands on top of them? " suggested Chloe
"Let's try. " said Savannah

The girls put their hands on the box cover, the boxes stared to glow then the light got brighter then it died down and when the girls looked at their hands they were not carrying boxes instead they were carrying colored pearls on bracelet chains.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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