Chapter One

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Chapter One

I woke to the sound of laughter as my vision slowly adjusted to the sun lit room. Moaning, I rolled over in bed to face my nightstand. 11:14 am. 'I really slept good.' Dragging myself out of bed, I headed towards the bathroom. The sounds of laughter grew louder as a certain little brother ran by the bathroom. 'Crazy little brothers...' Doing my daily routines and getting dressed, I skipped down the stairs almost knocking over my little brother Bobby.

“Sorry about that, buddy.” Balancing him.

“It's okay, sis.” He said running toward the back door. 'I hope he doesn't cause trouble.' Walking into the kitchen, my mother set down a plate of scrabbled eggs and bacon. Smiling, I dug into my breakfast without any care.

“You're welcome.” Mother muttered as she cleaned the gas stove.

“Hey, hon? Have you seen my work tie?” My father called.

“It should be in the laundry room!”

“Thanks, Hon!”

“No problem.” She said, ruffling my long, blond hair as she walked by. I throw up my arms, waving them like a mad man. She laughed at me while I glared at her, “Mom, please don't do that!” I pleaded. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, giving me a motherly hug like always.

“That just means 'I love you', Lisa.” Giving me a squeeze before going to the backyard to look after Bobby.

“Yeah, right.” I muttered as I finished my breakfast. Putting my dish in the sink, I snuck a look at the calendar. July 17th, 1996. I was meeting my best friend at the circus that just came to town. She, being the one who suggested it, want to go so badly. She said that she hasn't been to one since she was nine. I agreed on one condition that I could bring my little brother which was no problem to her since she, like myself, loved my little Bobby Boy. I chuckled at the thought of me calling him that. Sometimes he hates it, but other times he loves it all the same. Walking to the back door, I bummed into my father who was hurrying to get to work.

“Sorry, hon. Daddy's got to get to work. Love you and see you later.” He kissed my forehead and literally sprinted out to the car.

“Bye! Love you, too!” Yelling after him as he pulled out of the driveway. I continued my journey to the backyard to get my brother. Upon my arrival, my mother was holding Bobby in the air, running around making flying sounds as Bobby laughed happily. I smiled at the sight. You could say my life was perfect but every family had their flaws and even though my family seemed perfect, we tend to have a few flaws that has scarred our lives.

“Hey, Bobby Boy!” I called.

“Yeah, sis?” He answered as our mother set him down.

“You ready to go to the circus?” His blue eyes sparkled as he jumped up and down joyously.

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” He yelled jumping around me.

“Okay! Okay. But you have to calm down first.” I grabbed his hand, said my goodbyes to mother, and headed downtown towards the circus. Cope, Colorado is where we live. It's a small but peaceful town. It has been peaceful for 17 years now, since a couple of child murders that happened. My body tenses and tangles as I think of those poor children. They were mangled and slashed up, their bodies nailed to their bedroom wall, and some of those bodies were...stuffed

I shock my head trying to get the degrading images out of my mind. I held my brother's hand tightly, not wanting to lose him. My thoughts slipped away from me as we approached the ticket stand where Stacy, my best friend, waited for us. She spotted us as we came closer. Her long, brown hair bounced as she skipped over to us, her brown eyes sparkling with joy.

“Hey, guys.” She said hugging me. “How are you?” Then hugging Bobby.

“We're going great and you?”

“Good, good. You guys ready? And I already brought your guy's tickets.” Stacy handed us our tickets while bouncing with excitement. “Thanks” Bobby and I said in unison. We all gathered hands and walked through the circus gate. First, we hit the game booths, then went off to the main event where we watched dancing elephants, misfit clowns, and the acrobats, and lastly we went to the carnival part of the circus. As Bobby and me got off the ferris wheel, I spotted a certain clown that didn't exactly fit in with the rest of the circus. He was tall and built, had a dull black and white clown costume with black and white striped sleeves and socks, and black gloves that looked like big claws.

He walked closer to me and I could make out more of his facial features. He was extremely pale like paper, wore black lipstick and eyeshadow, and had a black and white swirled cone nose. What creeped me out the most was his white, piecing eyes. He stopped in front of me. He was at least 4 to 5 inches taller then me and smiled, showing me his sharp teeth which were probably fake. I just smiled back being a nice citizen.

“Good evening, madam. Would you care for some hard candy?” He said in a raspy but clear voice that sent tinkles down my spine.

“No thanks. I'm full from the cotton candy.” I lied pulling Bobby closer to me.

“That's alright. Would you like some, lad? He asked Bobby. He shock his head and hide his face in my waist, showing that he did not like this mystery clown.

“Oh, don't mind him. He's just shy.” I said taking a small step back.

“That's okay. I'm used to that. If you ever want any just look for me around the haunted house area. Oh, and my name is Laughing Jack by the way.” With that, Jack took a bow, turned on his heels, and walked off in another direction away from us. A few minutes passed by as I just stood there both stunned and confused. 'What just happened?' I felt a tug on my right arm as I was shook out of my thoughts. I looked down towards my Bobby Boy and gave him a motherly grin.

“We should probably find Stacy and head home.” He nodded and I lead us away to find Stacy. I had this strange feeling around that guy, Jack. It was if he wasn't natural. Not human. I just wanted to get on with my life and not think of any negative energy that was here today. So I hope...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first book. Please comment below, I would love to hear your guy's opinions. I hope to update very soon. Thanks a ton!

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