Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I rolled over in bed, trying to fall asleep but that stupid clown keeps popping into my head. I groaned into my pillow, stood up from my bed, and went to the kitchen for some water. Turning on the tap, I heard talking coming from upstairs. I turned off the tap and went to investigate. The talking was coming from Bobby's room. Being curious, I softly knocked on the door then opened it to find a smiling boy.

“Hi, sissy.” He said.

“Hey, Bobby Boy. Who are you talking to.” I asked, sitting on his bed.

“My imaginary friend.” I chuckled, ruffling his sandy, blond hair. It was common to find him talking to his 'imaginary' friends. I stood up from his bed and kissed him on the forehead.

“Don't stay up to late, okay? Goodnight, Buddy.”

“Night, sis.” He called as I closed his door. I walked to my own bedroom and threw myself onto the bed, and wrapped myself in the cool sheets. Closing my eyes, I wait for sleep to shallow me into it's black abyss.

I woke up with my head throbbing and my body aching. It was dark and cold. The floor was concrete and very misty. I tried to call out but no sound came from my mouth. Standing up, I walk forward coming closer to a...carnival? It was a dulled carnival with black and white everywhere with hints of gray. I continued to walk around, not knowing where I'm suppose to go or why I'm even here? Hearing a child's laughter coming from the game booth area, I ran to it. 'I want to know where I am.' I stopped in front of a big, black and white tent. A little girl with black hair, white eyes, and a gray dress covered in blood came from the tent and grabbed hold of my hand. We walked into the tent and sat down. When I was about to open my mouth, lights came on, and from what I could tell the show has just began.

We sat there, watching the show as clowns stabbed each other and acrobats falling from above and slamming into the ground, killing themselves. I felt terrorized, depression, and angry. Tears threaten to spill out but I held them back. The girl sitting next to me just laughed merciless. She was laughing the whole time. When the show ended, she turned to me with a evil smirk across her not-so-innocent face.

“Did you enjoy the show?” She asked in a almost raspy, male voice. I shock my head as I stood up and bolted out of the tent. I ran and ran until I stopped by a game booth and puked. The taste was awful and I could barely stand. I stumbled and fell to my knees as my vision blurred with tears.

“Tsk, tsk.” I turned to find the girl walking towards me.

“It's okay if you didn't enjoy the show. My friend and I have better plans for you.” Her voice became demonic as I watched the girl disappeared in black smoke. The smoke vanished and in place of the girl was that gothic-looking clown, Laughing Jack. He started to walk towards me with a evil grin on his face. Scrabbling to my feet, I flew forward going as fast as I could. Uncontrollable tears blind my vision as I stumbled and tripped, trying to get away. Trying to get free. I fell on a rock causing me to fall on my teared face. Through the pain I crawled, clawing at the ground trying to go fast.

I heard children's laughter to my left so I turned towards the sound. I'll soon regret that. Coming from the mist were mangled and mutilated children, some without limbs were crawling and others had their bellies ripped open, their organs hanging around them. I turned and crawled faster, trying to stand and run but one of them stomped on my back. "Dammit!" I yelped from the pain and turned over, holding my body. The children gathered around me and started to beat me senselessly. They  punched, kicked, and grabbed my flesh ripping it off like those cheese string sticks. I screamed in agony, thrashing around knocking some of them away from me.

Off in the distance a small ways, I could see Jack standing there laughing at me. Beside him stood a boy about 10. My vision was blurred due to the tears and blood. As I blinked rapidly, my vision cleared reviling that the boy was my Bobby Boy. He stood there laughing at me as well. I started to thrash around more trying to get away from the undead children and to get my Bobby Boy.

“Bobby! Bobby!” I screamed making him laugh harder. Fresh tears poured down my face as he walked toward me. The children held me down as Bobby stood in front of me. He didn't even look like himself. He was extremely pale, whitish blond hair, and grey eyes. The worst part was that he had the most evil looking smirk. Bending down, he raised his hand in front of him.

“Nighty night, Lisa.” His voice was demonic as he thrust hand into my chest causing me to scream in pain. He grabbed my heart and yanked it out of my chest. The pain subsided and my vision blurred allowing the black abyss to shallow me into the darkness while listening to Bobby's and the children's demonic laughter.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Dun, dun, dun!!! Just to let you guys know this isn't the last chapter at all. More updates to come soon. Yay! X3

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