Chapter 38

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Later that day, Crimsonfur was munching hungrily on a mouse when she heard pawsteps behind her. She looked up to see Solarflare approaching. She grumbled inwardly, quickly swallowing her food as her mother seated herself beside her daughter.

The winged she cat silently picked up a rabbit from the prey pile and settled down next to Crimsonfur, her gaze glued to her food. Crimsonfur frowned, watching her mother. "What do you want?" She asked.

Solarflare finally looked at Crimsonfur. "Do you know how disappointed I am in you? I really thought you would be a good cat, but it seems that you're going the wrong way."

"Wrong way?" Crimsonfur echoed, narrowing her eyes. Does she know about Glitch?

"No matter what you do you always cause trouble for your clan mates. Whether it is killing them or making them look like fools." Solarflare muttered, glancing back at her prey.

Crimsonfur felt a flash of anger and she snapped. "I did not kill Flarepaw!"

"Don't give me that excuse again, you caused her death and I'll never forgive you for it." Her mother seethed, baring her teeth.

Crimsonfur growled in frustration. "I'm never going to get through to you am I? Everything I do is wrong! You always see the worst in me! And this is all because of me losing my wings!"

Solarflare lashed her tail. "It's not just the wings."

"Then what is it?" Crimsonfur demanded, her ears pinned to the back of her head.

Solarflare dug her claws into the ground and muttered. "I can't say."

"Why not?!"

Her mother let out a sigh and hissed. "If I did it would only cause more trouble."

The red furred she cat let out a snarl of anger and unsheathed her claws, raising her paw to claw her mother's eyes out. As her paw flew to the ginger she cat's face, a blue wing knocked it away. She was thrown off balance, falling onto her side.

Looking up, Crimsonfur saw Falconheart standing protectively in front of Solarflare, his eyes narrowed in anger. "Attacking your own mother now?" Her brother growled.

Crimsonfur gritted her teeth, letting out a shriek of rage. "Get out of the way! This is none of your concern!"

"No! I will not let you harm my mother!" Falconheart hissed back, his lips drawn back in a snarl, his ears flattened. The two horns on his head glinted in the sunlight, aimed warningly at her.

"Your mother? She isn't mine anymore?" Crimsonfur's thick red tail lashed and she glared at her brother, her amber eyes shining with resentment.

"Not until you calm down and stop causing trouble!" Falconheart snarled, taking a step closer to Crimsonfur, his blue, scaly wings raised in caution.

Crimsonfur let out another shriek of frustration and yowled at Falconheart. "I hate you! You are not my brother anymore! If you don't step away right now I will hurt you!" She glared up at him, her heart pounding in her chest, adrenaline racing through her, thundering in her ears.

Falconheart stood his ground, teeth bared. "Try to hurt me and you'll be sorry."

Crimsonfur growled and crouched down, lunging for her brother. Her claws flew for his face, her amber eyes filled with hatred. Falconheart ducked down at she lunged, surging upwards once he was under her. His horns dug into her stomach as he slammed his head into her, throwing her sideways onto the ground. Crimsonfur hit the ground with a gasp, immediately curling into a protective ball as her belly throbbed from the wounds her brother had inflicted on her.

Falconheart approached her slowly, his blue eyes narrowed. She whimpered in pain as blood seeped slowly through her fur, her forepaws struggling to cover the wound and stop the bleeding. She stared up at the black and blue tom, wondering what he was about to do next. She didn't know anymore. She had never seen him so angry and violent towards anyone.

"Go to the medicine den and get that fixed." He spat at her, turning around and stalking back to Solarflare. His tail brushed against her as he turned, the sharp points of the spikes grazing her ears.


"S-Stop it hurts!" Crimsonfur cried as Wishberry pressed the damp moss to her belly. Tears pricked her eyes, her gaze blurring as she writhed in the nest in the medicine den.

"I need to clean the dust and dirt out." The medicine cat muttered. "Stop moving and it'll be better."

Crimsonfur tried as hard as she could to stop moving, and she was fairly successful, except for her lashing tail. Her cheeks were damp with tears, her mouth dry from the fits of sobs she had struggled through in those moments she had laid in her ball where Falconheart had left her. Wishberry had eventually appeared, helping her into her den to treat her stab wounds.

"Ah!" Crimsonfur flinched, whimpering feebly as Wishberry applied the herbs to her wounds.

"Great Starclan Crimsonfur, you're our deputy, toughen up a bit." The medicine hissed, finally wrapping her belly in cobwebs.

The red she cat bit her lip, inhaling shakily as the medicine cat stepped back. "Thank you.." She murmured.

"No need to thank me." Wishberry meowed, padding into her herb store. "I'm always here to heal my clan mates."


The moorland wind cut into her fur, making her shiver. The territory was empty, no prey or patrols in sight. Her stomach wound stung as she walked slowly down into a small dip, emerging again on the other side. She stood rigidly ontop of the hill, looking around the territory. She was heading towards twolegplace without realising it. Well, I know what my paws want me to do. But she shook her head and stepped away from her original path, padding toward the Monsterclan border instead.

As she padded closer to the looming forest beyond, Crimsonfur was reminded about Jaguarpaw's death. She didn't want to go near Lightclan after what they let their apprentices do. They should be punished! She lashed her tail in frustration. But I can't do anything about it! Alone, she could only wallow in her sadness.

Suddenly, she heard a shriek nearby and she spun around to see a bird flying up into the air, a cat leaping after it. The cat had dark fur, his brown-tipped tail lashing as he reached for the fleeing bird. That tail... Crimsonfur narrowed her eyes as the cat succeeded in catching the bird, dropping into the long grass out of sight.

"I know that tail." Crimsonfur muttered. Then she gasped. Shadowtail's death! That's where she had seen it before! This was the cat that had killed Shadowtail! She moved to confront the cat, but stopped short. What if Glitch made him kill Shadowtail as part of the plan to make me deputy? It wouldn't be fair to attack him after his murder caused good for her. Plus, I can't fight against a cat bigger than me. If it turns into a battle, I might get the same end as Shadowtail.

So Crimsonfur turned away, pretending she hadn't ever seen the tom before.


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