Chapter 3

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They all seemed friendly enough, I mean none were glaring at me but they didn't seem to care. I guess that's a good thing I can just ride though this without being noticed.

The woman who has shown me around stepped toward me.

"I'm Eleanor." She gave me a quick smile and turned to the others. "Dinner time."

The boys all jumped up and ran toward a room together while the girls just walked in the direction of the boys.

I stood there for a second but then finally started following everyone else.

I walked though the door and found a huge table that everyone was sat at. I sat in one of the two empty chairs between a boy with hair that was almost white and his skin looked like milk. Then one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen, she had dark brown hair and skin and her eyes glowed a beautiful hazel.

She was gorgeous.. And so was he. Honestly, everyone here was! I feel like I'm sitting with the cast of The Vampire Diaries.

A lady came out with serving dishes and set them around the table and ran back through the door that she came through. I suppose that's the kitchen.

She ran back out with more dishes and set them down. She looked toward Eleanor, Eleanor smiled and nodded and the lady turned and went through the door again. 

Everyone started eating and talking to each other about things I had no part in.

Eleanor cleared her throat and everyone stopped talking and looked at her.

"So, Lara, I am the schools main councilor along with Allen, you'll meet him soon, he also helps around here especially with the boys, for example, if there's a problem I can't exactly help with. There are also two maids so if you see them around don't be frightened they are Zelda and Hellen, and as you probably just saw our cook Derota. So you will see them around as they also live here."

I nodded and looked back down at my plate.

"So.. Where ya from?" The girl beside me asked looking at me.

"Florida." I answer shyly. Oh come Lara stop acting so nervous.

The girl gave me a nod of the head and continued eating. I looked back down hoping they'd stop talking to me.

Thankfully they did and went back their discussions.

Everyone had finished eating and was in the common room. On my way to my room I saw a few of them playing cards and they had music going. A part of me wanted to join but I kept walking towards my room.

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