Chapter 5

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Levis P.O.V

"Sure I'll go get ready" Harley said smiling at me while walking upstairs

"Yes, she's coming" I said forgetting Nate was in the room

Drew was about to answer me but I suddenly felt my weight being lifted as I got flung against the wall

"You listen here, you stay away from my sister, yes she is coming swimming but she is NOT going near you she is out of bounds, I've warned you before but no you always have to be the big man don't you and also STAY away from MY sister" Nate roared in my face while letting me down after he finished

"Oh and I think for a matter of fact my sister would prefer someone who has actually hit puberty" He said whilst walking out the room

After he said that I sat down, I kind of felt that I would never get a chance with Harley because I mean she's beautiful with her long blonde curly hair and her beautiful ocean blue eyes and then you see me some stupid curly haired boy with dull brown eyes and I look like a 12 year old with stupid 'vampire teeth'

I was drawn out of my thoughts when Drew sat beside.

"Hey mate you alright?" He questioned sounding concerned

"Yeah I'm alright, look I'm going to go and get changed, I will probably just meet you at the swimming pool" I said sighing and walking away.

Mission : ignore Harley for Nates sake and for my safety.

A/n(sorry for all the boring chapters but they will hopefully get more exciting also remember to vote and leave a comment on what you think thanks❤)

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