The Presence In The Park

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When the friends got to the park it was practically empty apart from the weird feeling that they were being watched however, they all ignored it thinking it was just their imagination. They couldn't ignore the four shadowy figures watching them from in the trees which surrounded the park. Snow started to fall, blurring the friend's vision. It started forming a thin white blanket on the floor as the four talked about anything and everything. a branch snapped and everyone looked to where the trees were. They saw the four figures moving closer and heard someone mutter something. It was hard to hear what it said but the voice sounded familiar as it said what they made out to be "Are you sure its them?"

"Maybe we should go."Satoshi said the two girls nodded and Yoshiki said

" doesn't sound good. "They all agreed to go and sit in a cafe near where Kisaragi academy was. They all ordered hot chocolate and felt the same feeling of being watched."Right I might be crazy but I'm sure I saw four people in the trees near the park. Soon, Naomi had to go and so Satoshi offered to walk her home. This left Ayumi and Yoshiki in the cafe."So."Ayumi said "do you want to do something or go somewhere?"

"Okay. Where do you want to go?"Yoshiki asked shocked by the fact that she wanted anything to do with him after what happened at the cinema. She saw his confused expression and said "It's okay about what happened at the cinema you know. It's not like you could have known!"He was even more shocked after she said this. She didn't hate him. He still had a chance "erm... I didn't actually think of anything in particular...I know we could have a snowball fight."Ayumi said happily. Yoshiki nodded in agreement, they got up and walked out of the cafe. They went to the park and ended up throwing big lumps of snow at each other which meant that by the time they got bored they were soaking wet."Come on we best get going before we freeze to death."Yoshiki said offering her his hand as they had both collapsed on the grass. She got up and then said"Oh god."

"What is it?"Yoshiki asked

"I forgot my keys and my parents and Hinoe are out."Ayumi replied"Oh well."

"You could come over to mine and text your parents if you want."Yoshiki offered

"Thanks."Ayumi said as the two started walking towards Yoshiki's apartment. When they got to his apartment, the door was unlocked."I'm guessing my sisters here but she wont mind. Either that or I've been robbed."Yoshiki said holding the door open for her. As he had guessed, Miki was sat in a chair as she was the other day only this time she was playing a game on her phone." Hey where've you been?"Miki asked"I've been here nearly an hour..."she saw Ayumi stood near Yoshiki and trailed off "Oh that's where you've been. "She looked at him mockingly

"Oh shut up."Yoshiki said "Anyway Miki this is Ayumi, Ayumi this is Miki." He was using weird arm gestures to try and explain his point. They stayed at Yoshiki's while Ayumi texted Hinoe asking when she would be back and when she got a reply, it not only said when she would be home, it also asked where she was and so, Ayumi lied a bit and said she was at a friend's house which technically was true. When she had to go, she got up and Yoshiki offered to walk her home and so the two set off.

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