The Person At The Door

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A day had passed since the incident on the way home from the restaurant and all four friends got a text from an anonymous number. It said something about meeting up at the park only as no-one knew who the anonymous text was from they decided to ignore it. "Ayumi! " Hinoe shouted "There's someone at the door for you."

"Okay, coming!"Ayumi shouted running down the stairs and going to the door. She opened the door and was shocked by who was stood on the door step."Hi. "they said smiling. How is this possible, Ayumi asked herself, am I dreaming because she couldn't be here in real life."Mayu..."Ayumi said bewildered how was she here, Ayumi had seen it with her own eyes, the two ghost children dragging her friend out of the infirmary and ramming her into the wall at the end of the hall.

"I tried to text everyone but no one replied, anyway i was wondering if everyone wanted to go to the park?"Mayu asked

"Okay. Let's go."Ayumi said quickly telling Hinoe where she was going. They set off towards their friends houses."Have you heard from Shinohara or Morishige yet?"Ayumi asked

"Yeah. Why does it seem like I've not talked to you, Nakashima, Mochida or Kishinuma in like...ages?"Mayu asked

"Wait do you not know what happened after the culture festival?"Ayumi asked

"Sure. We all stayed behind to help clean up and we listened to your ghost story and went home."Mayu replied not mentioning heavenly host

"Mayu, have you ever heard of heavenly host?"Ayumi asked getting worried that she was going insane.

"Yeah it's the school in your story the one where Kisaragi is now."Mayu replied "No offence but some of these questions are really weird ."

"Yeah I know .I'll explain everything once everyone is here."Ayumi said extremely confused. With that, they went to all their friends' houses to ask them. Naomi, Satoshi and Yoshiki were all confused when Ayumi and Mayu headed to Seiko's house and then headed to Sakutaro's house.

"Where are we going?"Satoshi asked only to be even more confused when Seiko and Sakutaro joined the group as they all walked to the park. Once they were at the park Ayumi told Naomi, Satoshi and Yoshiki what she had found out and they came to the conclusion that they must of done something in heavenly host to make their friends come back to life and because of this, they had decided to tell the three who had supposedly died what happened. They explained everything and Seiko, Mayu and Sakutaro were all shocked. They wouldn't of believed them if it hadn't been for the memories that came flooding back to them along with the explanation."Well this is unexpected."Satoshi said

"always expect the unexpected."Yoshiki said

"You can't expect the unexpected because then the unexpected is expected so it would be expecting the expected because you were expecting the unexpected which means you were expecting it so its not un expected."Ayumi explained in a very confusing way. Yoshiki laughed and they sat talking and trying to think of something to do.

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