Improv Time!

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Alex's P.O.V

As soon as I walked in I noticed that there were no desk but only chairs and that there was a little stage in front of the classroom. I saw that a bunch of students were looking at me expectantly making me remember that I needed to find the teacher.

"What are you?"

The voice caught me by surprise and I quickly turned my head back to the stage where a..hobo, now stood? What?

"Um, I'm the new student here. I'm guessing you're the teacher, right?" I asked him as I walked over and gave him my schedule for him to look over."Yes, I am Ms..?"

I set my stuff down on an empty chair as I responded, "Alex. Alex Russo." He quickly snapped his fingers before pointing at someone and then back at me. "Ah-ha! Your Toro's new sister!" Toro? Who's that? I looked to where he pointed at and saw none other than Ms. Perfect there. Great.

"Stepsister." I corrected him quickly before continuing, "that's all we'll ever be and it's not like I have choice."

Sickowits nodded in agreement, " I'm forced to believe this is some sort of reality but I know that this is an alternative reality and the real reality is out there...somewhere."

Well, he's not wrong but he's not right either.

"Yea, well what do you do here? Do you just pretend to be someone you're not? Memorize what you're going to say and that's it?" I asked as I stared expectantly towards my new hobo teacher; twirling my true love necklace.

"Um, no." I rose my eyebrows in surprise, "Then what is it?" I asked him, I mean I knew what acting was but I guess it seems to have a deeper definition. Ha! Can't wait to tell Justin that he's wrong with something.

"Acting is living truthfully."

Okay? That just got me more confused and it seems that he noticed because he then clapped his hands. "Okay, let's see Toro, Elvis, Sparky, on stage now." I see Tori and her laid back friend go up in the little stage before I see Sickowits look at me. "Sparky what are you waiting for?" Oh! He meant me- wait, did he just call me Sparky?

"Why sparky?"

"Because you're feisty and because I haven't known you long enough to come up with a good nickname for you."

I went up the stage, making sure I kept my distance away from Tori and her friend. Don't get me wrong he seems pretty cool but if Tori is friends with him then she probably got her whole group of friends to hate me. I obviously don't care but it's just going to make my time here harder than it already is.

"Okay, when I say that acting is living truthfully I mean that you use the experiences that you've had in life and place them into the scene. It helps you connect to your character more."

I placed my finger by my chin as I walked around a bit on the small little stage before standing still and facing little Ms. Perfect. "So, you're saying that if I act totally mean or nice to sweet little Tori right here if my character says I have to be and I add my own little...spark into it then it'll be okay?"

He looked at me with a proud smile and screamed "Yes! Perfect. Now go and start your scene."

I smiled at Tori but only received a glare from her. Ah, I see she's still a bit upset with what happened but I already had my fun and she started it, even though it sounds childish it's true. Besides, I'm not going to start anything in the mean time because honestly, pranking Justin is always so much fun.

"You childish brat!"

I turned my head towards her in surprise, did she literally just call me that? It's like she wants to start a fight and by the look in her eyes she really wants one.

"I'm not starting this okay? We're even now and I'm ready to move past this Tori." Okay, so that's a lie I still don't like her but I'm not going to stay in the past forever. "Really? Even? You just hated the fact that I told you the truth in your face so you dumped a bunch of...weird stuff on me this morning? Is that what you call even?!"

I was laughing so hard at this point that I barely managed to say a ' yea ' out.

I quickly calmed myself down and looked her straight in the eyes, "Yes, Tori it's even because it was my first night at a new house where I just got insulted by someone who doesn't even know me but thinks they're worthy enough to tell me what kind of person I am."

"You insulted me too okay. We were even at that point but you just had to go and do that which just took things to another level! I tried to tell my dad about it but he didn't believe me so what was it that you did, huh? Besides, you think its so hard to move from one place to another I moved from my old Highschool to this one and I'm doing fine so stop overreacting!"

"Girls please stop this is-"


I stared back at Tori a small bitter laugh escaping me, " What I did is none of your business Ms. Perfect okay? What you did is switch schools I however, switched states! I had to leave the home I grew up in my whole life! I left my highschool, my best friend of my whole life, my boyfriend of two years..."

I felt my voice start to quake meaning I was almost about to break but I was not about to give her that satisfaction.

"I had to leave my dad," I took a deep breath before continuing, " my whole life was switched up right away and you have the nerve to say that I'm overreacting?! You have the nerve to feel sorry for yourself? Are you kidding me? In case no one has told you the world doesn't revolve around you. There are other people that matter more and sometimes those people around you get angry with the way you are; I'm one of those people. So don't you dare test me Tori Vega because I will come back at you with something even worse than this morning."

Quickly, I grabbed my things and left a shocked classroom and a dropped jawed Tori Vega. As soon as I heard the door close I pulled my phone out and dialled Mason's number as I kept walking away.

" 'Ello love!"

I tried to speak but all that managed to come out was a small barely audible sniffle, catching his attention quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"Mason - I need you. Please come and take me out of this place. I hate it here."

No words were said but a small growl was heard with the roar of an engine.

"On my way love."

Hey guys... Yea um I honestly thought you guys weren't interested in this story anymore since the views never raise or anything until now so I didn't update. But ill be getting back into it maybe not right away but in time. Thanks for the views guys and the comment I got, that helped a lot since it gave me motivation. I'll see you guys next update I do. Bye guys :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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