New lives, new adventures

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Alex's P.O.V

"Please don't make me stay here!" I yelled at my mom. We were currently at the front door of David's house in L.A. You see mom and dad got a divorce something about not feeling the same anymore. Mom soon met David Vega dated for about a year and now we're here.

"Come on Alex it's not going to kill you." Justin said with a smirk. The only reason he said it was because he's trying to be a 'perfect' son but I know deep down he doesn't want to be here either...I think.

" Ughh!" I exclaimed. Soon the door opened revealing David Vega smiling at my mom then over at us. "Hello honey." he said before giving her a kiss which made me gag.

"Hi kids. Come in, come in this is your home now." He was saying it like if we actually like him. 

We walked in setting our luggage by the door and sitting on the couch. " Well, kids I know this is a difficult time for you but I'm sure that in time we'll all learn to live with it." Wait, does he actually expect us to be happy here? "My daughter's aren't here yet there off with there friends but I'm sure  they'll be back here soon. " Wait, daughters?!

"Daughters??" I asked a bit harshly and shocked. Mom never told me about any daughters. "Oh, um yes honey he has two daughters. Tori and Trina." Okay she knows that I'm not used to other girls in my life. Especially if it involves 'family'.

I relaxed a bit knowing that this makes mom happy and sat back down. "Anyway kids, you guys dont have to call me 'dad' right away. You can just call me David or say ' hey you' or 'guy over there'. It's fine. You're rooms are upstairs if you want to go and unpack." We nodded and we headed upstairs.

As Justin and Max went off to there rooms probably to get it how they like it I went to mine. Although, it shocked me to see that it was EXACTLY how I wanted.

Fur wallpaper was on the walls. My queen size bed. Art supplies were in one corner and my music in the other. Even my changing fan was here ( I don't know what it is) I smiled in happiness that I squealed in delight.

I collapsed on my bed as soon as Mom and David came in with worried looks. "Everything alright mija?" Mom asked before looking around in shock. "Everything is perfect mom" I said smiling.

"Do you like it?" David said with hope. I looked around once more before smiling again.  I nodded yes before saying "Thanks David. It's amazing." He smiled in accomplishment. "David how did you manage to do this? This must have cost a fortune"

David looked at me with a smile before looking at my mom "It was worth it". Soon they both left while I stayed in my new room. After awhile of exploring I went out to the hall.

As I walked down I saw three other doors. One was obviously mom and David's. The other one read ' I'm Trina and I'm fabulous' I went inside and I was disgusted right away.

It was pink with A LOT of pictures of a girl that I'm guessing is Trina. her bed was small and her room was a disgusting mess. I quickly went out and saw that Tori's room was across from her's and next to mine.

Her door read ' Tori's room. Keep out Trina.' well she never said keep out Alex so why not. I walked in and I got to admit that it was okay, a bit girly though.

Her walls were violet and her bed was small. She had a board with pictures of her and her friends. Her room was clean and normal. It was kind of boring. I walked out and went downstairs trying to find something to do. 

I sat down on their piano and felt the keys lightly. "Do you play?" David asked me as he sat down next to me. "Yea, but I haven't been able to do it because my dad believes that music was just a waste of time." And because of the wizard competition.

"Well, try it out" he suddenly told me. I looked at him confused. "what?" I asked trying to see if I heard him right.  "Try it out." He said again. I smiled and slowly started playing an original.

I wouldn't wanna be anybody else.

You made me insecure, told me I wasn't good enough.

But who are you to judge.

When you're a diamond in the rough.

I'm sure you got some things you'd like to change about yourself.

But when it comes to me.

I wouldn't wanna be anybody else.

Na na na na na na na na

na na na na na na na na 

I'm no beauty queen, im just beautiful me.

na na na na na na na na

na na na na na na na na 

you got every right to a beautiful life

who says, who says you're not perfect

who says you're not worth it

who says you're the only one that hurting

trust me that's the price of beauty

who says you're not pretty

who says you're not beautiful

who says

As soon as I finished I heard clapping. I turned to David with a smile. "That was amazing. Best I've ever seen." he said smiling. It caught me by surprise because I never had any adult say that to me. "Thank you" I said.

"Dad...what's going on?"

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