Holidays are over... roll on hell

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A/N - Trying out a new story idea, I hope you guys like it! Sorry it's a little short and sketchy! Leave me a comment on what you think and don't forget to vote :)


Regina Mills couldn't work out whether she was glad to be back at school or not. The brunette had never been what you might call 'popular'; making friends wasn't exactly a strong point of hers either, however, after the Christmas break, that seamed to last a lifetime, Regina was looking for any excuse to spend as little time as possible with her over-protective mother, Cora Mills. The young woman had always been, what you might call, an academic, for which her year-group peers used very different names and none were nearly as pleasant, and this lead to some rather difficult situations for Regina. She had a constant feeling of pressure succeed that clashed directly with her strong urge to be liked, and for this reason, she'd never had a true friend. Instead Miss Mills was forced to strive in the comfort of knowledge and insight- at least that what her mother said.
'Regina, darling, it's late and you continue with your studies tomorrow. You will go to you bedroom and read for a half hour precisely before turning out the lights and going to bed. Need I remind you of what happens if you are caught awake reading after nine-thirty?'
Regina inhaled sharply, she could remember all to well what would happen if she was could up to late again. Damn it! She was nearly 18 and still scared of her mother, she couldn't wait to graduate and move to a college far away from here. But for now, it was best she stayed on her mother's good side- Cora Mills was not the sort of woman you would like to make an enemy of.
'Yes mother, of course mother. I will wish you a good night now as not to trouble you later. Please, sleep well. Good night mother.'
Cora looked at her daughter blankly before nodding and waving of to her bedroom without a single word.


Emma Swan was dreading tomorrow, it would be the day that she started her new job as a student teacher. Emma wanted nothing more than to get out of the treacherous chore, however it was the final requirement for her degree and the blonde was determined that she would not wait another year to get her teaching degree.
The passive woman often found herself being walked over whilst in High school, it was not a fun time for her; she never really understood how others she knew found it so easy to make friends. The very concept of talking to someone new petrified Emma.
She wasn't totally crazy, of course she didn't want to be a teacher, but she didn't get the grades she needed to pursue her dream job and she really needed to start earning money so that she could afford her own home. She was fed up of feeling that she had out stayed her welcome with her current foster parents, Mary Margaret and David.
Emma was an intelligent woman, she knew it herself, yet she went through a bad stage of her life when she was preparing for her A Level exams, flying of the rails and failing all of her subjects except Computing.
Emma had always had a knack for computers, how else was she supposed access her records whilst she was stuck in the system. Well at least that was how it started, a few quick overwriting systems and her knowledge of binary, before she realised that she enjoyed the feel of the keys beneath her fingers. She fell in love with the order and structure of a computer, it gave her stability as a lost girl.
Although Emma knew that High school would be different thus time round, that she would be the one in charge, she couldn't help fretting that history would repeat itself once more.


She had obviously made sure to obey her mother's instructions from last night and even felt a little thankful toward Cora as she felt awake and energised for the day. Regina knew that the feeling wouldn't remain for long, it never did, but it was still enjoyable whilst it lasted. Not knowing quite what to wear on her first day back Regina spent hours rummaging through her wardrobe. All her clothes had been bought by her mother and she wasn't allowed to leave the house without the approval of Cora's unreasonable eye. She eventually picked out a pair of, much too big, jeans and a baggy sweater. Yes, it wasn't boiling hot outside; yes, it was only school, but Regina really wanted to use this semester to try and make at least one friend and nobody would even look twice at her in her mother-bought oversized ensemble.
Regina picked up a pair of tight black leather shorts along with a red tube top that the brunette knew hugged her in all the right places- this was the outfit that would make her stand out and this was the new look that would make her some friends, or at least just one friend- that's all she wanted. Regina acquired the outfit in secret after school; she was the only person who had ever seen it, but today was the day that Regina would be noticed and today was the day that she would finally allow others to see the outfit.
It was obvious to her that her mother would not approve such an outfit; she knew what would happen if her mother ever saw her wearing these clothes. She knew that she would need a plan- and fast. After a short while of intense thinking, Regina slipped into her forbidden outfit and turned to face her mirror, she loved that she look like all the other girls. She found comfort in the fact that really she wasn't that different to them at all.
On top of her real clothing for today, the brunette flung on her decoy outfit so that her mother wouldn't suspect her disobedience and she prayed to God that her mother wouldn't be able to see through her little scheme. After she was sure that none of her first clothing layer was showing, Regina walked into her bathroom and began her daily routine, brushing her teeth; fixing her hair into a tight, Cora approved, bun and washing her face wish a cool stream of refreshing water, this was a sensation that the brunette could not live without. Remembering the outfit she would be showing off at school today, Regina grabbed a loose cardigan of a hanger and stuffed it deep into her bag, it may be a give-away if her mother found it sitting at the top of her bag.
A faux smile fixed upon her face, Regina walked down the stairs to greet her mother.
'Regina. Really, what were you thinking?!'
Panic began to stir inside Regina; how could her mother know? She had been so careful to make sure that she wouldn't be caught.
'I, mother, I'm so sorry. Will you please consider forgiving my unthoughtful error. It will not be happening again. Sorry mother.'
Cora looked slightly confused before nodding and throwing an apple her way.
'How many times do I have to tell you Regina dear. Do not forget to eat breakfast, you will be without energy and therefore will not be thinking straight- you will disgrace the family name and me. NOW LEAVE!'
Regina sighed lightly before nodding and turning to walk quickly out of the front door. After reminding herself that the day would get better, the brunette steadied her breathing and walked towards school.

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