My teacher/student's alright

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It really was a shame that Regina didn't want to work on her music; Emma couldn't stop thinking about how talented she was. The lyrics to her song were so relatable and took Emma back to places she hadn't dared revisit in years. There was one lyric that The teacher couldn't help but love; 'My life and my dreams with you I couldn't dare to share, for fear you would might laugh, or worse, not even care.'
The lyric was so thought provoking for the blonde and she wished that she could read more of Regina's work.
As Emma walked sadly to the back of the classroom, her head began to spin with thoughts of her troubled past and of Regina's music. She was a good kid and really didn't deserve whatever it was she was going through- Emma just wished that there was someway to help her without betraying her trust because the blonde understood that it would hurt more to be lied to than most could imagine- even with the best intentions, betrayal stings like a bitch.
As Regina stormed back into the classroom she felt butterflies enter her stomach, it was so hard to say no to Miss Swan when she so badly wanted to work on her music. The only reason she lashed out was because she couldn't let others hear her music; all her work was very personal, she also wasn't blinded by the falsity of her teachers kindness, concealed beneath the warm words was only pity. Pity she didn't want or need.
  She looked towards the clock in the classroom, it was five minutes till the end of the lesson. So, in order to leave before the tormenting, she began to pack away. However, to her annoyance, Miss Swan came back into the room and instructed everyone to pack away. Regina ran her hands through her tidy hair and sucked in a deep breathe preparing herself for the worst.
'Miss Mills.'
Regina was nearly certain that she heard her name, but considering that everyone was still packing their bags she assumed it was was nothing and pulled her book bag over her shoulders, at least the girls only took the bag of her clothes.
'Miss Mills! I have called you twice now, first you show up late to my lesson and then you pay no attention when I call you- please wait in Miss Kelly's office and I will speak with you in a minute.'
Regina was slightly scared, had her rejection angered Miss Swan that much, was she going to hurt her. She definitely seemed upset with her. She couldn't say that she was totally annoyed at the situation; at least she got to avoid the snide remarks.
After waiting five minutes Regina grew restless, there really was no point in her waiting around to be told of for something as stupid as being late, especially considering Miss Swan knew exactly why she wasn't on time. With that though the brunette stood up to leave, but before she could reach the door, Miss Swan walked in looking calmer than ever- this woman confused Regina on so many levels.
'Please, sit down. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you like that, but I couldn't let you go out there with them; you looked scared.'
After looking her teacher up and down for any signs of a trap she gave in and sat on the small sofa, Miss Swan sat down next to her.
'Look Miss Swan, I realise that you see me as some sort of charity case, but I assure you I can take care of myself.'
The teacher reached out for her hand, and looked into her eyes.
'And I assure you Regina, I don't see you as anything but a talented young girl in a school full of dicks. And please, call me Emma!'
The students eyes opened wide at this line, she'd never heard a teacher use such foul language before- it made her feel important, like Miss Swan trusted her.
'Umm thank you ... Emma, but really I don't have a real talent, I don't even know what I'm writing till I read it of the paper myself.'
Emma smiles and shakes her head.
'That's why your lyrics are so good, they're honest and come from somewhere more important than the mind. It's a shame you don't see music as important because you could really be something great with your skill.'
Regina felt her lips turn into a smile, nobody had ever thought that she was good at something.
'I do think music is important, it's so important to me- only, u don't like others to read it. I don't want people to know what I write.'
Tears threatened her eyes once more and she was forced to find comfort once more in her teachers arms.
The rest of their chat went well, Miss Swan said that they could work on her music without others hearing it and they spend the rest of the free period discussing her lyrics. She wished that she could spend all her lessons alone with Miss Swan- she hoped they could become fast friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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