My new student teacher

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A/N - Heya my darlings, so sorry about the delayed update, I was busy this morning so thought I'd post it now instead!
Really grateful to anyone who is taking the time to read this- I really enjoy writing it. I know I promised smut and there will be- just give me time, it'll get there ! 😂


When Regina reached school she quickly slipped into the bathroom unnoticed so that she could remove outer clothing, she was begging to feel hot in too layers, even if it was still slightly chilly outside.
After pulling off the excess clothing, Regina Mills examined herself proudly, she was so excited to fit in. The clothes were even tighter that she remembered but she wasn't going to complain; that's how all the girls looked these days and she was fed up of being the odd one out.
She reached into her bag for her cardigan but realised that she couldn't find it, she walked out of the toilet cubicle to see if she's dropped it outside, yet it was nowhere to be seen.  She thought that maybe she should just get changed back into her other clothes and wear this another day.
She walked back into the cobble so that she could get redressed but when she got there she found the that all her clothes and her bag were missing. Giggling girls voices came from down the hall and she heard feet running away from where she was. What would she do now, she couldn't walk out in this outfit- not without her cardigan.
She locked the cubical door and let her body sink into the ground, then she wept. Tears were streaming uncontrollably down her face; why did this have to happen to her and what would she do next?
Regina allowed herself to sob loudly until she heard another student walk into the bathroom, they heard her cries and ran out immediately- great, this was all she needed.


'Help, please. Something's wrong- please somebody help me!'
A young girl who looked only about twelve was running and screaming up the corridor. Emma looked around for a teacher who could deal with the problem but nobody was around and this girl was obviously not about to wait for her to go and get a teacher. Great, thought emma, her first day and she was already dealing with crisis among the students.
Nevertheless, the blonde ran up to the now crying girl to see what was wrong.
'Is everything okay, I'm teaching here at the moment.'
She held up her name tag so that the student knew she was safe to talk to.
'It's this girl, she's in the toilets and she sobbing and I think something might be really wrong with her. She sounds scared.'
Emma thanked the girl and ran to the end of the corridor, where she doung the girls toilets. She knocked on the large wooden door before stepping inside; she could hear snuffling and muffled sobs escaping from the end cubical. Not quite sure what she would sat, Emma went straight for it and knocked lightly on the cubical door, talking in her most gentle voice.
'Hey, I'm Miss Swan, a student teacher here. Can you open the door for me? Otherwise I might have to go and get the head.'
Hoping that the student would cooperate, she waited patiently outside the door.
Finally there was a reply.
'No, I'm sorry you really can't come in, not with me like this. Please though don't call the head..?'
The voice was hard to understand as it was obvious that the student was choking back tears. She sounded really nervous, but unmistakably an older student. Something about the uncertainty and fear in her voice just made Emma want to hug the poor girl.
Emma knew that as a teacher she would have to get in there somehow.
'I won't don't worry. Just please let me in, I think I can help you.'
There was a long moment of hesitation before the blonde heard movement and then a lock sliding open. She pulled the light green door towards herself and peered inside to reveal a brunette in tackily tight clothing weeping in a curled up ball. Emma took a step inside and followed her instincts which told her that the girl needed a hug. She crouched down so that she was just inches from the girl and wrapped her in a warm embrace. She felt the brunette's heart begin to steady as her breathing leveled. Emma held the crying mess out in front of her and stroked her arm comfortingly, only to find her hand being met by harsh scars and wounds. This student was in more trouble than she thought.
Another younger pupil walked into the toilets to be confused at finding the odd pair in the corner by the cubicle.
Realising that they weren't in the best place, Emma helped the brunette up to steady herself before walking her discreetly round the back teachers exit to the only place she could find in the entire school- the car park!


Regina found herself being let down an unfamiliar exit to what she knew to be the teachers car park.
Was this teacher trustworthy? Would she tell her mother what had happened?
She crossed her arms tightly and looked to the ground trying to preserve what little dignity she had left. Finally they came to a stop outside what Regina could only guess what was Miss Swan's car. It was a weird shade of yellow and she knew her mother would instantly disapprove yet she thought it was kinda cool and original.
'You won't tell anyone will you?'
Regina was so scared that she would tell the head or another teacher about what had happened or the marks she was sure the blonde woman had seen. She couldn't imagine what the teacher thought about the marks; Regina guessed that Miss Swan would think that they were her own doing- they weren't.
'No, not if you tell me what's going on so I can help.'
The blonde woman's voice was so gentle and calm that Regina nearly told her everything, but then she was met with reality. This is a teacher, student teacher or otherwise, she has obligations to say important things, the and she guessed that Miss Swan would count was was going on with her an important thing.
But despite all of this going on, the only thing that Regina could focus properly on was, Miss Swan's gentle smile, it relaxed her but she didn't understand why.

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