2015: Raven and Apple holding hands in Thronecoming 2016: Raven aiding Apple in the Evil Queen's defeat in Dragon Games
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Do any of you recall the final showdown in Dragon Games, where Apple was trying to trap the Evil Queen in the hand mirror, but she didn't seem strong enough to do it on her own?
Raven saw her struggling, jumped off of Nevermore and landed on Braebyrn's back to help Apple out. Together, with the combination of the magic mirror and Raven's stronger magic (she gains this in Way Too Wonderland), they were able to trap Raven's mother in the mirror once again.
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It's just something so special about Apple and Raven's bond, something so sweet and platonic and...sisterly. I will always heart seeing Raven and Apple helping each other out. <3
But it's not just that moment that brought a smile to my face. I loved when Apple realized that she didn't need the Evil Queen for her Happily Ever After, that she would be more than capable of forging her own.
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That entire movie restored my faith in the future of EAH. Rock on, Mattel! ____________________________________
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