Day Twelve: Favorite Slang

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This is the chapter where I will try to become fairy punny (not funny, pun-ny), so hexcuse yourself if you think that you will go mad trying to figure me out.

If any of you noticed, I didn't put up the comparison between 2015 and 2016. That is because last chapter, I loved everything about the Ever After High Lexicon and was flipping my crown about my destined answer. I needed to pick something that would scream "Just Right!"

everAfter carefully deliberation, hexamination, and elimination, I finally settled on Cupid's Greecian wordplay as well as the pop culture references.

It is such a page-ripper to try and create names for spellebrities, don't you think? Shannon Hale and Mattel has already set in stone that Taylor Swift is Tailor Quick (which I thought was wicked-cool!), but I've seen a storybook of creative names among our fairytale fandom.

I also chose Cupid's Greecian wordplay because me and my sister ever-after-love Greek Mythology. I figured it would be as easy as one, two, three billy goats gruff!!

All-in-all, I think it is royally charming that Mattel incorporated traditional fairytale language into their modernized world of Ever After High. I love adding it to my writing, and I'm sure a village-load of people like it, too!

Alright everyone, figure out your favorite slang word and post it in a comment! :)


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Next: Day Thirteen: Favorite Outfit

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