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When I first learned to speak, I used all my words to fight. I am older now (I'd like to think wiser, too) and now I realize how much of a waste of time that was. how much people grow to hate you, even if you are too self-obsessed to notice.

If its one thing has changed that about me, it's Harry Potter. He was one of those who hated me for my words, and I hated him back for his actions. I had viewed him as a self centered prat, the same one that he viewed me as. But in a way, we both were. He still argues today that it had only been me, but that's exactly what a self centered peat would say.

It's a rather unusual love story of how we became friends and eventually lovers. It was sixth year I believe. Although he had had a crush on me since first year.

Oh shut it potter, you did to.

My apologies, he is reading this over my shoulder as I write. And I might add, being quite annoying.

Now, where was I? Oh right, sixth year. I had become a death eater the summer before and excepted the mark. At the time it felt a great honour. I was going to carry on the Malfoy family legacy of greatness. But then the dark lord started asking me to use the killing curse on actual living, breathing, alive, beings. And then all of a sudden the picture started to change. I didn't want to hurt people. But who was I compared to lord Voldemort?

I needed help, but had no way of getting it. My slytherin friends knew, but they all supported me and wanted me to continue, as was the same for the one teacher I actually trusted. I had discussed it with my mother, but she told me she couldn't do anything unless I wanted the dark lord to kill me. Real helpful mum, I really appreciate our little talks.

I'll be honest with you (only this once though). My next thought after all of these people, was Harry. I had been kind of a prick to him over the years and usually hated to think that he could do anything better than me. But this was a desperate time and probably also time to stop being so arrogant and tell myself that all of that stuff Harry had done had actually been quite wicked and better than anything I could have done. Oh god, did I really just write that? (Stop snickering, Harry)

I was really hesitant, I mean, he would have probably laughed in my face or turned me in for being a death eater. This had been during the time when I still thought he was a self centered prat so these thoughts made some sense.

I didn't go to him for quite some time. It wasn't until after I found out how obsessed he was about me. Surprise, but I couldn't get him out of my mind for the whole year either. The one major difference was that I DIDN'T HAVE A FRICKEN MAP THAT I COULD STALK HIM WITH! What the actual hell, Harry? I had called myself obsessed, but not that obsessed. Merlin, potter. Did you not have anything better to do?

Later on all of his work had been pointless because I had just told him what I was. He didn't even need to stalk me and try to get the information.

Now, believe this or not but, it had been Dumbledore who had kind of set us up. He was the one who told me about my stalker. He had pulled me into his office and I was scared as shit. I mean, I had thought that he had figured out about my mark. ( little did I know at the time that he did know, just didn't ever bring it up.)

I sat down across from him and asked, "might I ask what this is about, headmaster?" Oh so casually.

He giggle (yeah, he actually giggled) and told me, "you can ask, or you can wait a few seconds until I tell you." Dumbledore and I had never really spoken before this, so I was a little taken back.

He continues and says, "mr. Malfoy, I believe there is someone trying to get your attention. You're a fairly good-looking young man, and so is this boy. If you don't mind, I could set you two up. He's quite into you. Follows you all over the place. I find you'll be interested in him as well, I've noticed the way you two interact."

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