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Goddamn, Harry. You left me at the worst possible moment. Leaving me to tell the story of how fucking heroic you were and how much of a scared piece of shit I was. (he's asking me if I could have fit more swear words into that one sentence and yeah, I could have. Maybe in the second draft.)

Anyway, he's forgotten to write most of the details about what happened while we were at Godric Hallows, so before a launch into the story of Harry's great heroic adventure, I'll tell you about Bathilda. Yes, I mean the old witch who wrote a History of Magic. I've never read but I heard a lot about it from Hermione.

She found us in the graveyard and took us to her really scary house(shut up Harry, it was scary.) and believe it or not, that's where Dumbledore was living. He came downstairs and was ambushed by questions from Harry, and you know what? He didn't answer any of them. He just nodded along with Harry and told him it would all come together soon. He can be so mysterious sometimes. Okay, all the time.

Anyway, he proved useful in the end, helped us find Horcruxes and stuff. We left Bathilda and spent a few days in the forest of dean, which was the hardest thing I had ever done. I would've rather spent the night at the old witch's house.

Now the next part gets kind of weird, and I apologize if I miss some of the details because I heard it from Harry, I was never actually there. It was Harry's turn to keep watch on the tent, and then he sees this doe like it's glittering and silver, so what does he do? He follows it! Dammit Harry, what were you thinking at the time? But as it turns out, following it was a good thing, it led him straight to the sword of Godric Gryffindor.

I still think it was a dumb idea, something could have attacked our tent while he was gone, and you know whose fault it would have been if I would have died? Harry's. Selfish prat.

(He's asking me to add more detail about it so I guess I will). Harry almost died. Happy? Okay, I'll elaborate Further. That Salazar Slytherin locket almost drowned him, it sensed the sword was near and I guess it knew that it was going to be destroyed or something. "oh shit, this kid is going to kill me, better kill him first." Nice try but I don't think it knew who it was dealing with.

Funny thing was, that Harry didn't save himself that time. It was Ron, he came back and saved Harry's life. I almost started to talk to him after that. So Hermione and I hear all this noise of Ron coming back and go to find them trying to destroy the locket. Harry does that whole talking to snake thing to get it open, when it opens a voice begins speaking to Ron, teasing him. I can't hear it, but he explains what happened in what I thought to be too much detail.

He sees two Figures, Harry and Hermione, they tease him or whatever, stuff like how his mother would rather have Harry as a son, and how no one would ever look at him while Harry was around. Then locket-Hermione kisses locket-Harry and Ron is freaking out by this point. Real Harry gets his attention and finally brings him to reality and he destroys the locket.

I cannot count how many times Ron has told me that story since the war ended, it was his moment of glory. His only moment.

Hermione gets really mad at Ron and they have a little fight(what I mean by little is, It was the most brutal thing I have ever seen that girl do)

So Harry and I leave them and take a walk through the forest. I remember this really clearly, It was one of the better moments.

"Draco, do you ever stop and think about the future?" He had asked me. What a dumb question, hasn't everyone?

"I don't mean like tomorrow, or a week from now, I mean like far into the future when the war is over and we've all grown up and gotten jobs with the ministry. What do you think our lives will be like? Will we still be together? Who will we lose between now and then?" He stopped and clasped my warm hands into his cold, wet ones. "Do you ever just stop and look at the sky while you're doing so, that's the same sky I'll look at in ten years or twenty years. The same stars, the same moon. That will stay the same, but we won't, we'll change, we'll move on and grow up, but the sky never changes. Promise me we'll be like the sky, Draco. Promise me we'll never change. That we'll be together forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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