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I guess I'll just pick up where Draco left off, right after he kissed me. It made me feel kind if funny, I couldn't really concentrate on anything else other than the kiss and I'd be lying if I told you I didn't run into anything on the way to my common room.

All the other kisses I had had didn't even compare to how I felt about that one. Even to this day. (Not that I've kissed any one other than you, Draco. Calm down.)

Quite to my disadvantage, Ron and Hermione were still awake when I got back and asked me a great deal of questions about where I had gone after dinner. I'm pretty sure Hermione had a pretty good guess about it back then, but she still won't admit anything.

I told them I had to go and see professor slughorn, they knew about the whole memory thing so it was probably pretty convincing.

I had told them about the first prophecy with Voldemort, of course, but not the one about Draco. I never really told them until after the war was over which was also when I told them about Draco and I.

They both took it surprisingly well. I think him staying with us during the summer had some effect on their opinions of him. He was, or at least I thought he was, a pretty pleasant guest. (He's telling me it was because of how awkward he felt.) But it didn't matter he had won the approval of the people who were pretty much my family.

It was close to the end of the year and I could tell he was growing more and more anxious. He wasn't sleeping and when I asked him about it he shrugged it off and told me he was fine, he did that a lot, never stopped me from worrying about him. Although He didn't stop eating the meals I brought. Even to this day, nothing can stop him from eating.

I expressed my concern with Dumbledore, thinking he would talk to him about it or tell him he would be fine, but no. He gave me my own bed in his room. I had questions about how that would make him feel better, but it worked for the most part.

He started sleeping, I know because I watched him. (Shut up, Malfoy! I was concerned, that was all!) I think it was because he felt safer when I was in the room.
I'm not going to leave out any important details so I'll tell you now, we never used the other bed Dumbledore had given me. We talked about the kiss and decided that Draco would be the girl in the relationship. ( okay, I decided that. He's making me write that but we both know he is). We both kind of expressed our true feelings (feeling I didn't know I had until he kissed me) I had spent a lot of time stalking him (okay I'll admit it, It was stalking) and staring at him. I had never given much thought into a relationship with him. He hated me and I hated him, that was how it went. Until that night when he told me the truth. I was glad he did because who knows what would have happened if we hadn't have had that relationship. Dumbledore would have been dead, not to mention a lot more people.

If he would have let the death eaters in, numerous people could have been killed or worse, expelled. (Draco's lookong at me like I'm mental, but I'm only referencing Hermione.)

we cuddled a lot but, Draco doesn't want me mentioning the other stuff we did. So I'll leave it at that and let you use your imagination.

I don't think anybody suspected anything about us, Dumbledore made an announcement to the school that I would be staying in a room which was safer than the Gryffindor common room to keep me safe. Now Ron and Hermione couldn't ask me questions about where I was disappearing to every night. Some times I slept alone though, Draco had to sleep in the slytherin common room so that the slytherin wouldn't get suspicious. It was his idea, not mine.

I'll be honest, those nights couldn't have been more lonely. I had spent the first like fifteen years of my life sleeping alone but now was different. I had experienced not sleeping alone and loved it.

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