Cole | September 29, 1939

15 4 1

Finn tried to stay away from Jackie as much as possible throughout the day. After being blatantly rejected by someone he had loved for weeks was more painful than it sounded. Mr. Vandel could tell that there was a noticeable difference in Finn's personality. While Finn sulked, Jackie did the same as he did. Her mind was on Cole, not Finn. Cole's life mattered a lot more to her now than anything. Being kissed by the boy she has lived with for less than a month was more than enough to trigger some sort of rage inside. Jackie was striving for Cole to be found, and she just could not take the uncertainty of everything anymore.

but what if he's dead? 

She thought deeply as she rubbed her aching head. That question would continue to haunt her mind until she found an answer.

"You know what? If Finn won't come with me to find Cole, then I'm going alone." Jackie muttered to herself as she found a backpack on the ground.

She lifted the backpack onto her lap and began to fill it with clothes and other necessities. Knowing how dire the situation was, she most likely was going to be gone for more than a couple of hours. 

knock, knock, knock

Jackie sat up straighter in her wheelchair at the sound of someone at the door. Whether it was Finn or Mr. Vandel, her desire to leave the house would be at stake. Finn would rat her out and Mr. Vandel would simply make sure she had no possible way of escaping. She turned her wheelchair around so she was facing the door. Then, she closed her backpack and slipped it under her bed. In order to look as normal as possible, she plastered the the most realistic smile she could muster. She wheeled over to the door and opened it, revealing Mr. Vandel standing there.

"Oh, uh, hello Mr. Vandel." Jackie greeted with a sheepish smile as she moved out of the doorway so he could enter her room.

Mr. Vandel sat down on the edge of Jackie's bed. She swallowed, knowing that if he moved his feet slightly farther back, he would touch the backpack and she would screwed.

"Honey," He had never used that term of endearment before, "would you be okay staying here for a few hours? Finn and I need to cut some wood in the forest. I don't know how long we'll be gone for, but I'd say at least three since we're running low."

"I'll be fine!" Jackie said convincingly as she kept her smile on her face while Jackie fell back on her bed, knowing she responded way too fast.

"Alright. How are your bandages holding up? You need to let me know if I need to help you change them." He said with a concerned look on his face.

"I am fine. Please go, I do not want to hold you both up." She ordered.

"Alright, Alright. Be good now."Mr. Vandel added with a wink before leaving. 

As he shut the door, Jackie sat up in her wheelchair and she waited for the front door to slam shut. 

Finally, the door slammed shut and Jackie wheeled into the kitchen.


"Food, clothes, blanket." Jackie whispered when her fingers ran against all three things.
Jackie grabbed a thin sweater and put it over her faded pink shirt. Her jeans were slightly torn, due to the Nazis and scraping her legs on the ground so many times. She opened the door and scanned the apartment one last time before leaving.


On her way into town, she spotted crutches for sale. She bargained with the seller and was able to buy them. They were definitely the most uncomfortable objects she has ever had to use, but it was better than being stuck in a wheelchair. Using crutches in the forest was definitely as complicated as it sounded, but she was eager to find her brother.

"Cole. . . . . . Cole!" Jackie shouted as she walked through the forest. 

The birds were chirping loudly and leaves were constantly crunching as tiny animals skittered across them. Jackie had almost walked a mile and was completely winded. She sat down on a small stone near the path and took out an apple she grabbed earlier. The scenery was great though; the forest was a pale shade of green and leaves were gently falling from the nearby trees. Rabbits pounced by, snakes sometimes would slither near her feet, but Jackie didn't care. She just wanted to find Cole. 

After a few long and dreadful hours of walking, she heard a noise. It sounded like shouting, but she couldn't figure it out. Jackie's heart was beating rapidly as if it was suddenly going to pop out of her chest. She knew she found something, but she didn't know what.

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