The Sign| August 31st, 1939

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Today was Friday, August 31, 1939.

Ah, Friday. The day when every teacher and businessman desire to come home from a long day at work. It's the start of the weekend, almost like a new beginning. It's the day when families huddle in front of their stereos and tune in to the popular broadcasts and sitcoms. Friday was a day that almost every person looked forward to.... most of the time.


As the school day came to an end, twins, Jackie and Cole Clugsglot, raced quickly down the puerile hallway and to their small blue lockers to grab their backpacks and other supplies they needed to bring home with them for the evening.

"Jackie!" Cole called, waving frantically, as he raced over to his sister who was zipping her backpack shut, "Listen to the news!"

Jackie slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked over to the radio in the hallway that was surrounded by many students. The radio man's voice was firm and serious as he spoke

"As everyone knows, German and Poland have not been simpatico for a while." He paused, letting everyone absorb what he had said," He spoke through the choppiness of the radio, while Jackie and Cole listened intently.

Germany. . .

Jackie pondered, her agile blue eyes widening as she finished her thought.

Is attacking us soon

Absentmindedly, Jackie reached for Cole's hand, as the nerves in her body began to kick in. As she did so, Jackie tried to pull him away from the radio.

"Hey, Jacko, c'mon, just a little longer?" Cole pleaded as he gave Jackie his classic puppy eyes.

"Sorry, not working on me today, Cole." Jackie retorted flatly as she rolled her eyes at his pleading.

Cole was being a complete idiot. They needed to head home; After all, Germany could attack anyway with no warning. After a while of demanding and persuading, Jackie finally managed to pull Cole out of the classroom.

They sprinted up the hill in the town square, children running around aimlessly and playing with toy airplanes while adults strolled beside them. Eventually, they ended up in their petite neighborhood.

"Hi Mama!" Jackie smiled brightly, engulfing her beloved mama in a huge bear hug.

Her mama hugged her back gratefully, but she didn't seem so enthusiastic when Cole came over by them.

"Alright Cole, what happened to you today?" Mama asked putting her hands on her hips as she stepped away from the kitchen table and walked over by Jackie and Cole.

Jackie sort of despised how Mama always asked what happened to Cole because he is notorious for being quite mischievous.

"Nothin' new. Except the man on the radio said...uh..." Cole paused, forgetting what he was about to say. He looked at Jackie motioned for her to assist him in remembering what he was about to say.

"Germany." Jackie added as she looked at Cole waiting for him to continue.

"Yeah. . . Germany declared war on Poland, Mama. They are coming." Cole replied as he itched his head and looked at the linoleum flooring beneath his feet.

"What?" Mama shouted as she jumped into the air letting her dark brown hair swing around her.

She began to dig frantically through the ginormous pile of paper lying on the kitchen table.

"You didn't hear? They really did declare war on us, Mama!" Cole informed as he began spilling out more and more information.

Cole watched his mama's face twist in horror as she grasped at her arm, which was one of her nervous reactions she had.

"Dammit Hitler." She cursed under her breath as she pushed one hand into the other, clasping it tightly as she paced the floor.

Jackie swallowed as her mother swore in front of her. She panicked when adults swore around her; She has been that way since she was a child.

"Mama what does he want from us?" Cole asked curiously, his eyebrows drawn in confusion.

Mama was silent before she placed her hands firmly on the table and glanced up at her children. Her face was pale and her hands trembled as she spoke.

"He wants our lives."

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