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"Ma'am Stella wants a talk with you, miss"

That girl again? Bitch please! I already told her that I'm not interested in her presentation last week aish!

"Let her in "

Few minutes later I hear footsteps that must be her. I tied up my hair into a messy bun but with class ofcourse

Knock knock

I smiled secretly when she entered the room,she looks innocent on the  outside because of her baby face with her simple yellow dress. I smell something with this girl, I know she has a plan that explains the smirk on her face tsk brat. But I'm smarter than her unfortunately.

Now I'm gonna teach you a lesson.

" Hi miss! I know you don't like the presentation I made last week  so here is the contract and please be quick in signing up"

Wow this girl amaze me! I don't like her presentation yet she's asking me to sign the contract? Oh God!

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrows at her it's like saying I'm-not-your-maid . She smiled sweetly.Oh dear I'm scared! Haha!

" You heard me sign it now so I can go" she sits on the couch and cross her legs. I'm not informed that she owns my office now!

" Darling,you poor little girl don't talk like that ok? You don't want mama to get angry don't you?" Now I can see her veins showing up.go on show up your veins sweety.

"Who are you to say like that to me? I'm not afraid of you! You're just a pathetic business woman who owns this freaking company! My company is higher than yours!"

"Honey I already pulled out my shares in your company so technically my company is and always higher than yours" I smiled sweetly to her. No one wins over me. No one.

Now I can see that I pissed her off so what? As I've said no one wins an arguement or a fight over me. And I don't care if her company needs me ,  I don't need her

"Y-you what?! Who the hell are you?"

This time I face her seriously without any emotions. What? I love her facial expressions specially if she's scared it's funny!

"Georgina Villanueva, a certified bitch with a class , inshort A Classy Bitch. Now please get this garbage and leave"

She immediately get her documents and walked towards the door but before she leave the room I called her.

"Miss Stella wait! "


"Don't you ever dare to set foot in ny company again.Me being a bitch is enough I don't need someone like you.Leave"


Classy BitchTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon