Chase Me

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Chapter 8: Chase Me.


After seeing Luke I was taken back into my cell much to my disappointment.

There was no light, no laughter, it felt like sometimes I was the only one here and it depressed me in all honesty. I felt alone and I hated it. I've plowed through my actions over and over again, and keep feeling like maybe coming here wasn't a good idea. Not that I had a say in being taken but I never had to go after those guys that were leaving.

But then Luke would be all alone. I remind myself and sigh as I throw myself back on the ground.

It's been three days since I've seen Luke so I have no idea how he's doing. I'm wondering if he's being tested on, or if he's hurting. Not knowing is driving me crazy.

And as my worry for Luke seeps in Asher follows close behind. I have no idea where he is, and even though I don't really know him I pray to the Moon Goddess he's all right.

Since I've been here a total of nine days I'm hoping maybe I'll be let out into the yard again. That may give me time to find Asher and see if he's well.

"Hey lady are you listening to me? I said get out!" The old man from earlier grouches out.

Speaks of the devil and he shall appear.

I jump up to my feet with a pep in my step, then glare at the old man as I walk out of my cell.

"Hurry up and-."

"Yeah yeah I got it." I say waving my hand to him and walking out into the yard.

There wasn't anyone outside, or so I thought.

As I walked around enjoying the sun on my skin I see a silver wolf running the perimeters of the border to the yard.


I glare at his running form debating if I should even walk up to him or ignore him. But what would I even say? 'Hey, remember me? Your mate that you've left in a prison under your house for nine days?' Yeah no.

I roll my eyes and start walking towards the tree line, staying close to the farthest wall away from my mate.

After a few more seconds I felt his gaze land on me, realizing I was even out here.

And guess what? I didn't even pay him a glance.

With my head held high I walked into the trees and stretched a little bit getting ready to run.

My legs ached from not being able to do anything in that tiny cell. I needed nothing more to run and maybe have a good meal. The food is literal shit.

"I see Dave let you out." My mate acknowledges. I don't say anything as I adjust my black spandex shorts and white tank top.

They may have shitty foods in this prison hell hold but they were decent enough to give me clothes to wear which I was grateful for.

Over my stay here I've come to learn my mates name. Payne. Alpha Payne.

And in my opinion I felt it suited him just perfectly for being a supposed terrible man.

My wolf wanted to scold me for talking about him that way but in a way she knew it was true. He wasn't supposed to be a good person, we just haven't see the bad side of him yet.

I look up from the ground to the trees in front of me and see Payne watching me from the corner of my eye.

He looks annoyed at the fact I haven't answered him yet and pushes himself off the tree.

"I'm talking to you Sophia." He growls out.

His voice sends shivers through my body and I could hear my wolf purring in my head.

Deciding not to just stand here anymore I take off running deciding I should check out the area I'm in. I know I won't be leaving this pack but maybe I could find a way for Luke, Paisley, and Asher to make it out.

They didn't need to stay here and suffer. They aren't needed here.

My body starts heating up and I was well aware of my mate running in sync beside me.

Wanting to avoid conversation I start to run faster. This seemed to annoy him as I could see him glaring at me out of the corner of my eye. So, he started speeding up and got ahead of me.

He is not about to win this race. I think to myself and kick it into high gear, leaving him behind in my dust.

I was smirking to myself in triumph at beating him. It brought me a sense of satisfaction.

That is until I see Payne run right past me and sending a challenging glance back my way.

I narrowed my eyes causing him to only smirk.

Won't be smirking for long buddy. I think and raced to catch up with him and went past him. This time, I didn't slow down or stop.

With both of us technically being Alpha's I knew he was going to be just as competitive as me. Even though this was supposed to be a nice run to stretch my legs.

Growling was heard from behind me and by the pleasant shivers that went throughout my body, I knew it was him.

Him and his wolf were more than likely pissed that I was running from them. But for some reason, Alpha's more so, love the chase.

And if they wanted a chase, I was more than happy to give it to them.
* * *

Sorry for the chapter wait guys, I made two chapters for each book I have out and wanted to release them all at the same time, but I hope you enjoy! :)

♧ 1434everr ♧

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