Salted Wounds

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Chapter 13: Salted Wounds.


Sunlight slowly seeped into Payne and I's room, rousing me from my nights rest. As much as I wanted to stay in bed, I knew I had to be on high alert today. Tonight Luke would be escaping from the compound, and I wanted to be around just in case there was any way I could help him. I wasn't going to leave him alone in this, and I'd do anything to buy him his freedom.

After a few peaceful minutes full of stretching and satisfied sighs, I set my feet down on the soft plush carpet and lazily rose to my feet.

My legs guided me to the closet, grabbing one of the few outfits I went out and bought shopping the past weekend. I'm supposed to go shopping for a full wardrobe as soon as Payne has the time. Apparently he doesn't trust me with a single pack member, since I may try to "pull a fast one".

Rolling my eyes I quickly go through my morning routine, which included a hot shower, brushing my teeth, washing my face and hair, all that good stuff. Once I got out I wrapped my hair in a towel while I changed into black leggings and a loose graphic tee. Considering the fact I was lazy this morning I left my hair natural and walked out of the room.

"Good morning, Luna." I turn my head and smile to Ambria, one of the maids that have been bringing me up food since my stay here. She's one of the only people from the pack house I've came into contact with besides Payne and his father.

It felt strange walking around the pack house on my own. Payne told me I could leave the room and even the pack house so long as I stayed within distance of pack members watchful eyes. Going outside to explore sounded amazing, and that's exactly what I intended to do.

"Hey!" I turned my head around to see this guy running over to me, a bright smile on his face.

"My name's Antonio, I've never seen you around so I'm guessing you're new to the pack?" He questions as I scratch the back of my head.

"Yeah, you could say that. I haven't been here too long." I murmer softly, staring longingly over Antonio's shoulder out the front door.

"Were you looking to go outside? I was headed out there for a walk, I can show you around if you want." His voice was kind and inviting, and the invitation sounded better than me wandering around the grounds aimlessly.

"I'd love that, thank you." Without another word he beams at me then grabs my shoulders to face me towards the door, then guides me outside.

"So, what interests you? Swimming, training, the woods, just a nice place to relax? What do you feel like seeing?" I wasn't all too sure what I wanted, but a place of my own to get away sounds amazing.

"Anywhere that's secluded and a nice place to relax sounds perfect." With that he wrapped his arm across my neck and shoulders, guiding me around the territory.

The afternoon turned out to be amazing. Antonio showed me so many places in the pack, along with this far off river deep in the woods, with a small cave close by. It was so peaceful and beautiful, everything about it caught my eye and I thanked him endlessly for my new go to place. We didn't get through all the places he planned to show me, so he promised he'd show me around some more tomorrow morning so we didn't have to rush through things due to his training.

There was a small smile on my face as I walked into the pack house until my arm was snatched by a tight grip and I was suddenly against a wall.

"Where were you?" Payne growls suddenly, his hands on either side of my head.

"Jesus Payne, you scared the hell out of me. I was on pack grounds with a pack member, just like you said I could do.." I say confused only for him to narrow his eyes at me, followed by taking in my scent. A low growl vibrated through his chest that had me weak in the knees.

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