Chapter 3
YOUR POV: I woke up in Justin’s bed, tracing patterns on his bare chest. I looked up a bit to see Justin smiling down at me. I couldn’t help but smile back. Wait… did I just say I woke up in HIS BED? And why doesn’t he have a shirt on? And.. oh no. I quickly looked under the covers and remembered what happened last night. “I… umm… I have to go.” I said quickly. I was just about to get out when I remembered that I wasn’t wearing any clothes. I turned to Justin and said “Can you turn around for like, one minute?” “Sure” he replied back. I could tell by the tone of his voice, and the look on his face, that he was disappointed about me leaving. I ran over to my bag, and grabbed my clothes. I ran into the bathroom and changed as quickly as possible. When I walked back out I was surprised to see Justin dressed too. “Look, I have to go, I’m so sorry.” I said as nicely as possible. “Are you sure you can’t stay?” he pleaded. “Yeah, it’s just that my mom is going to kill me, and…” Justin grabbed my face gently and kissed me. I wanted to stop, but there was just something about the kiss that made it so hard to leave, but I finally pulled away. “I have to go” I half whispered, and left. I guess I didn’t notice this before, but Justin’s house was right next to mine, and his balcony was so close to mine, I could’ve just snuck into the house, but I would’ve ended up getting in trouble anyways, why run away from it. “Elizabeth!” My mom said angrily. “Yes mom” I said. “Where have you been? You didn’t come home at all last night? I was worried!” “I was at a friends house…” “And what friend would that be?” “Ummm.. uhh.. a new one?” “You were with a boy weren’t you?” Dang, she was too good. " “No, w-why… why would you even suggest that? You know no guy likes me” “Who is he?” “No one” Tell me!" “I wasn’t with a guy last night!” “Really? Then who’s shirt is that?” My mom pointed to Justin’s shirt stuffed in my bag. I forgot to give it back to him! Stupid Justin and his irresistable charms! When I didn’t answer, she knew I slept with someone. “In you room, now!” she yelled. I quickly ran to my room and locked the door. JUSTIN’S POV I was pacing back and forth around my room. I felt so bad about what I just did, and I had the evidence on my phone. I am such a jerk. I decided I needed some fresh air, so I opened up my balcony windows and walked out. My mouth dropped when I saw my next door neighbour across from me. How could I not know that Elizabeth was my next door neighbour? The guilt really ate at me when I saw her sitting on the floor crying. I quickly ran back into my room and called Ryan. “Hello?” said. “Dude! The guilt is eating away at me! I just manipulated the sweetest girl ever into sleeping with me, and now she’s sitting on the floor crying in her bedroom! What did I just do!” I said panicing. “Chill. The guilt goes away when you get to school and show everyone the photos. You’ll be the greatest man alive when they know what you did!” Ryan said, trying to assure me that what I did was awesome. “Okay, I guess, see you at school” “Later dude!” Ryan said, and hung up the phone. If what I did was so good, then why did I feel so bad?........................................................
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