Chapter 10
JUSTIN'S POV: Bella was coming over in a few seconds to discuss a plan to get revenge on Elizabeth. She is just so selfish, some one needs to teach her a lesson, and that someone is going to be me. When Bella arrived, I couldn’t wait to hear what she had in store. When we were in my room and talking, she whispered the plan in my ear, and boy was it going to humiliate her.
YOUR POV: School sucked so far. It was lunch time and the cafeteria was filled with students, talking with their mouths full, and throwing food across the room, great. Just then, Bella walked onto the stage we have in our cafeteria, and said “Excuse me students, may I have your attention, please. I would like you to all turn your attention to Justin Bieber, as he would like to say a few words.” I didn’t trust where this was going. Justin strode up to the microphone, and began to speak. “As, you all may know, I have recently slept with a girl. But not just any girl, her name is Elizabeth.” The whole student body turned their heads towards me, it was kind of freaky. “Well, that was her first time, and might I say, she was quite terrible at it,” Justin continued, “And I couldn’t wait for that night to be over. And I just want to let you know, that not only is Elizabeth bad in bed, but she also has a bad personality. She’s always talking about herself, I mean, common, nobody cares about you. And she eats like she hasn’t had food in years! And her face! What’s up with that?! It looks like she was mauled by an animal! But, that’s not the worst about her, she’s pregnant, and I’m the father.” That whole room gasped and turned to look at me. My face was feeling hot, and I could feel the tears trying to burst from my eyes. “And she has the nerve, to blame this whole situation on me! I felt like I was the one manipulated into getting in bed with her! She led me along, believing that she was so sweet, so innocent, like a big ball of sunshine! But she’s just some slut waiting to prey on any guy that comes to her attention. So, we should all agree that Elizabeth is the one to blame, because now she’s ruined my life forever, And she’s happy about it too.” I couldn’t take all the stares that people flashed at me, it was just too much. So I fled from the cafeteria, and out in to the hall. I ran until I found a closet. I locked the door and sat on the floor, crying until I was dry, but the water flowing out of me seemed endless.
JUSTIN"S POV: The crowd cheered me on after I had made my speech. Elizabeth ran out of the room. Ha! I made that girls life terrible, and I was proud, for a moment. Until I realized what I’d done. Elizabeth was gone the whole day, and she wasn’t even at home. I thought getting revenge on her would be sweet, but I’m not satisfied. She should be getting revenge on me, for every bad thing I’ve done to her. I hated myself, and that wasn’t ever going to go away. I need to really get rid of these soft spots for her, they’re driving me insane! I can’t be the bad guy who feels guilt. I needed to choose one side to show her, no more guilt and regret. But which side should I choose?…

*Pregnant* Justin Bieber Love Story
Fiksi RemajaIt All Started Out As A Game, But Is Popularity Really Worth The Consequences?.........