What did he say

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Razor Wings p.o.v.
MARCH NOW!!!! We need to take out the rest of the world then take out my prized possession then I take over the world then I mind control everyone and turn them into robots like I did those other humans I'm not a killer I'm just an arrangement maker that's how I make cyborg looking birds that are mind controlled they are just humans in costume ohh the people in this world are so dumb these bird eating freaks are scared of a edible bird if you remove the count less metal and don't get discussed of my beauty.

Isabella's p.o.v
I'm happy I was thinking about it when I got what ever material he wanted I forget but on the was I was thinking if he didn't like me or get along with me why would he invite me do his house. Then my creative thought came how about coming on a day where their is no meeting and get some alone time with him so I could really tell him how I felt. I LIKE HIM! I said " who?" This creepy guy said I screamed and ran... Far... Very far.

Jack's p.o.v
I don't know what has gotten into me or him a super hero I mean I know he's hurt but he doesn't have to make up things to get his friends together I won't leave him and I bet Alex and Isabella won't either all that's Been on my mind has been just nonsense other than my music I can play the drums in school like no other best drummer in school my dad said it wasn't what he wanted me to be I guess that now that he's gone that half a hole burn in my heart because he didn't approve of me grew bigger every time I think about it come on Jack I gotta focus about this game he wants us to play but I think he really believes in what he wants to do.

Alex p.o.v.
My god while i was getting what Trevor told me to get I saw this fine girl I mean beautiful B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L I mean very attractive so while the love of my dream I walked up to her my exact words no joke was"           ...             Hi                 ...                " she immediately said " taken so get out of my way" I had to think of a fast card to say FAST I then said what I was gonna say I like your shoes I was wondering where you got them you know I gotta take care of my little sister she said " oh well ...want my phone number so I could tell you the address " of corse I said no when I saw the flip phone she took out of her pocket then I said never that and walked away. I then relized when I turned around a block later realizing I went the wrong way and then I saw her texting on a iPhone 7 I knew I was played.wait what was I talking about. Who cares , not me.

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