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3rd person//

Yoongi wriggled around in his bed, annoyed to be woken up this early. The new neighbours were moving in and Yoongi was less than pleased to have his sleep interrupted. A woman was shouting outside his window and a truck had been backing for what seemed like an hour as the beeping sound from it had been bugging Yoongi for quite a while.

He groaned and got up to check the time: 8 o'fuckingclock. It should be illegal to be up at this time of the day. None the less he decided to put on some clothes and start the day. As much as he loved sleeping he always had a hard time falling asleep, or back to sleep for that matter. He didn't really know what to do though as his mother had already left for work and he didn't have any 'n00by' 12-year-olds to level up today. As mentioned: not the most honourable work. 

After laying on his bed for a while and trying to figure out what to do (he scratched going outside from his list as it was way too warm for skinny jeans and all of his other trousers were in the washer. besides, him being outside? nah don't think so) he finally decided to go check what was actually going on outside.

He could see the woman that had been shouting all morning, her hair was put in a messy bun, she looked like she was in her late thirties and she was still screaming. "Harold you cunt- no! Not the roses oh my God, Harold!" She ran up to the truck and tried her best to keep Harold from destroying her roses. It was quite amusing to watch her actually, she wasn't afraid to cuss and Yoongi liked that.

He continued watching the two until Harold finally turned off the engine of the truck and jumped out of it. They carried a bunch of boxes inside, in complete silence. Yoongi took a deep breath as he soaked in the silence that fell over the street, it was goddamn blissful. It didn't last for long though as Yoongi noticed a new sound coming from inside the house this time. He looked at the window that was right in front of his own and listened closely. He could hear a shower running and someone humming a tune.

He blushed furiously as he realised that he was basically spying some girl right now, but he couldn't make himself move. He continued to listen to the person singing and from what he could hear she could sing very well.

He closed his eyes and hummed along with the song, it was currently very popular on the radio, and while he usually hated the music that they played, he had to admit that people were getting better music taste nowadays. Before he knew it the door to the bathroom - that was in clear view from his window - opened and the mystic singer stepped out.

His mouth fell open, gaping at the boy that stepped out. He wasn't a girl. Well, obviously, but his voice had sounded so soft and high pitched-

The boy started to remove the towel he had around his waist to dry himself and Yoongi finally regained control over his body and crouched down, looking anywhere but out the window.

"Oh my god."

hey ho

so that's the first chapter

it's a bit short maybe, but I'm very excited to write more!

thank you for reading!

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