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As her mother's silver hatchback pulled up to the unloading zone of Collingwood University, Rosetta felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. The engine stopped and she turned to face the other woman.


Her mother's lips turned into a smirk as she raised an eyebrow.

"You're seriously concerned about if I'm ready? Rosie, you do realize that you're the one going to school between the two of us, right?"

Rosetta fought back the urge to cringe at the childish nickname. She figured her mother could call her whatever she'd like, since this was the last time they'd be seeing each other for months.

"Yeah, I know. I just mean...are you gonna be okay--"

"Am I gonna be okay on my own?" The older woman finished the sentence for her and smiled. "I'm gonna be just fine! Don't you worry, babe, I'll have the house all to myself; I can finally listen to my Frank Sinatra without having to listen to you whine!"

She broke out in laughter as her mom did a little dance in her seat, tight brown curls bouncing around her face. Suddenly, they heard a tap on the passenger side window: a squat blonde girl sporting a green volunteer shirt stood on the curb next to them. She gestured for Rosetta to roll down the window, which she did--slowly, and at her leisure.

"Hi there, just wanted to see if you needed any help." The girl spoke the words without much enthusiasm.

"No, I'm a senior, I know where to go." Rosetta gave a quick smile before studying the girl's face. "Weren't you in my calc last year? Cameron, right?"

The blonde laughed, short and breathy, before taking half a step back. The toe of her navy blue converse ground into the pavement as her foot pivoted back and forth.

"Um, yeah, I think--probably. Anyways, I just had to let you ladies know that this spot is only to be used for an hour or less. I noticed you haven't gotten out of your vehicle yet, so if you need more time--"

"Move to C Lot." Rosetta's mother finished, flashing a wide, genuine grin, "It's all good, Cameron, we know the drill."

The girl blushed bright red and fiddled with the bottom of her page.

"Cool. Well, welcome back to Collingwood. Hope you...feel at home. Bye, Rosetta."

She waved as Cameron walked away from the car and started helping another family with their bags. The girl looked visibly relieved, her normal colour restored.


Rosetta turned to face her mother.

"I'm sorry?"

"Me? Oh, nothing." A giggle escaped her mouth as she shuffled through a stack of registration papers. "I said nothing."


A few seconds passed.

"She seemed...Uneasy."

"Is that so?" Rosetta clicked the button on her seat belt and pushed the door open, stepping out into the breezy September day. "Didn't notice."

"Hey, don't get saucy with me. I'm just observing."

The younger of the two glared and slammed the door shut, but a smile tugged at her lips. "You're being nosy, that's what you're doing."

Her mother snickered and hopped out as well. The two of them marveled at the sprawling campus: the clock tower greeted everyone at the head of the north building, with several of the dorms tucked just behind it. Rosetta looked off to the left, slightly uphill, where her 8 A.M. lecture would take place on Tuesday. She groaned.

Rosetta & Charlotte *NEW VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now