.: Idk what to title this :.

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Hey guys, I got some news! My charger for my laptop broke and since I never check if it has battery or not my computer died so idk when I'll be able to fix it or get a new charger.

In the meantime, enjoy some crappy phone art!! :,^)

Thank you all so much for over 200 followers and over 10k reads on my art book

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Thank you all so much for over 200 followers and over 10k reads on my art book. I never expected so many people to support me. In case you don't know, I'm an example of the three L's. What's that you say?

Well the three L's stand for lame, lazy and loser. All those three things define me. My art is pretty lame yet you all flatter me by saying its nice ://> I'm very lazy which is why I hardly post! And I'm a loser because I'm horrible at making friends and I'm very awkward.

I used to have an Instagram and tbh it was one of the worst websites I've ever joined (sorry not sorry). I posted my very old art even some that you've seen and people were so judgemental about it they were even hating on the things I liked. What the heck man?!!? I then disabled my account and took a break from drawing.

Which is why I was kind of worried and a bit nervous when I joined Wattpad since I didn't know how things would go but I'm happy that I took a risk and joined anyways because I met so many nice and supportive people.

Tysm for being such awesome readers and viewers. I never expected to see such a nice community.


And that everybody is why I'm lame. :^)

Haha no, but in all seriousness thank you all so much for supporting me! It really means a lot! ://>

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