Steampile (Smackdown Story)

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 Pictures: Octopus, Sewn Robot, Red Robot, Bronze Dragon

Lucius watched eagerly as his father, Faraday, worked on his latest creation. Lucius' father, tinkerer by trade, had been commissioned to produce the first Automic flying machine. Due to Luscious' fondness for mythical beasts, his father had chosen to build the machine in the form of a dragon.

Beads of sweat accumulated at his father's brow, but Lucius endeavoured to help anyway he could despite how insignificant it felt.

Faraday pulled a face as he strained to tighten the Dragon's compact insides and after few twists of the wrench he stepped back to admire the magnificent beast.

"Finished at last. Pretty little thing ain't she?"

"It looks amazing Dad, will it fly?" said Lucius.

"Lets find out Son. Step back, I'm gonna get this baby in action."

Lucius did as he was told and retreated to safety, whilst his father initiated the beast's  steam valve and waited for the beast to come to life. Save for a few promising piston sounds, the mechanical creature remained motionless. Faraday's head sunk, dismayed at his latest failure.

The workshop doors swung inwards as a short man in lavish clothing entered, followed by an entourage of guards.

"How is my machine Faraday?" said the man.

He pointed at the metallic beast, "My my it's perfect. Have it ready for me to collect in the hour."

"I'm sorry your highness but there are still a few ticks that need correcting. I'll 'ave it done by tomorrow as agreed."

"Hmmm, very well. I shall give you to till tomorrow morning which shall give me the chance to sample the delights this city has to offer."

Faraday knew by "delights" what the prince meant was "brothel", but he didn't dare correct him.

"Don't disappoint me Faraday or I'll have you thrown in the stocks for misrepresentation. " he said as he spun on his heel and strode out the door.

"Lucius,  you bes' go to bed, I've a few things to tend to."


"Don't worry I'll have it ready in time."

Lucius did as he was bade and went to sleep despite wanting to stay with his father.


Lucius woke up to the sound of muffled voices from downstairs. He crept out of bed and walked over to the stairwell to listen.

"-is the pay for completing my order. Such a majestic beast is worthy to be my steed, but alone I fear it could be overpowered. I need more. Creatures to conquer the sea, land and air."

"I'm sorry your Highness but I haven't the resources or the manpower for what you're asking ."

"I can provide you with both. "

"Sire, you Honor me, but I am an only parent, I have my son to care for. I have all the money I need. I just wish to spend the remaining time I have with  Luscious."

"Unacceptable. Stein take him. You're coming with us," the Prince ordered and guard stepped forwards and grabbed and restrained him with ease.

Upon hearing this, Lucius ran downstairs to stop them.

"Please what are you doing with my Father?"

The Prince grinned and pressed a couple of controls on the mechanical dragon. "It's none of your concern anymore."

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