Chapter One

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Chapter One

Special thanks to LiarLiarLiar for editing this whole thing in a short amount of time and while moving! She is great and awesome. Also, thanks to weekender for making the cover for this story. The song on the side clearly represents the story, listen to it after, before or during your reading.  Enjoy!


All my works are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders). Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of The Land Of Fools by Yarlening M. constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.        

The shattering of glass echoed through the air, Meeko's mother's face was redder than the lipstick that stained her lips. Her father's cheek was marked with a bleeding scar, his finger swiped the blood that trickled down his skin. Shock written on his face, Meeko's mother mouth fell open in horror, her blonde curls escaping the comforts of their bun and down to her eyes. Her heels bathed themselves in the spilled wine, travelling towards Meeko's feet, carrying shards as prisoners. Meeko’s eyes were wide with shock, her coffee hair shielding her left eye from the scene but failing miserably.  Meeko's mother leaned closer to her husband, as if letting his shocked and angry face absorb into her memory could remove the situation at hand.

 "I didn’t mean to,” her mother mumbled, her voice so quiet that Meeko struggled to hear it.

 Her husband stood still, his movement resembled a statue and his expression the same as Meeko's. Meeko felt her breathing pace quicken, her body refused to listen to her pleads to turn and run to her room. Her hands shot up to her ears and she forced her eyes closed but she heard a crack vibrating in her ears. With no consent, Meeko's eyes flew open to the sound and saw her mother face towards the side, a red cheek revealing itself.


 Everything around her screamed of the color, flashing in the scarlet color that threatened to destroy her. She was drowning in it, in the wine and blood and her mother’s slapped cheek.

 Meeko’s mother stood there, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, her lower lip quivering. An apology spurred from her lip.

 “I would never try to hurt you, it was an accident, I swear.”

 Her father shook his head. “Swinging a bottle at someone’s face is no accident.”

“I-I wasn’t thinking straight; please believe me, darling,” she pleaded, the tears trailing down her cheeks to create silvery paths upon her pale skin.

 His eyes were hazed with anger, but Meeko could see the sympathy glimmering in the depths of his gaze. For no matter what her mother did to either of them, both of them recognized that she wasn’t in her right mind, she couldn’t control her actions. Grief had paralyzed her. But he remained silent, which caused Meeko’s mother to grow even more panicked.

 She continued to plead. “You know . . . you know it’s hard for me to think of Mato and Mika, but you mentioned them nevertheless. I just stopped thinking, I got mad-“

“You’re not the only one who is allowed to grieve,” her father snarled. “I need to talk about it, Meeko needs to talk about them! It has been almost a year and they’re still gone, but you still act as if they’re just at school. It’s time to face the truth, darling: they’re never coming back.”

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