Dinner is Served

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Author's Note: this story is taking place during the Save Rock and Roll Tour.
Patrick's POV

Sammantha is asking so many questions that I don't know how to answer then. Like Why was she the one adopted and not like a 8 year old was. I don't know how to explain it.
"We are about a block away so everyone get ready." Pete said as we pulled up to Brendon's house. We were invited to have dinner there for the tour kick off. As we walked up to Brendon's house Sammantha was looking at Brendon's house in awe because of of how modern it looked.
Sammantha's POV
Omg this place is huge it's like a fking mansion. I'd get lost trying to find just the bathroom. Patrick then walked up to the house and knocked at the door. A few seconds later Brendon Freaking Urie opened the freaking door to the freaking house. "Hey, guys come on in." He then said, "We've been waiting for you" with a evil looking grin on his face.


Patrick's POV


As we walked into the house, Brendon took us to the living room. Sammantha sat in the middle of  Pete and I. She sat a little closer to me, but not to close, like she was acting shy again. What happen in that Orphanage she was in? 

"Time for supper." Sarah yelled from the kitchen. 

"Oh boy, time for food" said all of us boys who were getting really excited!


Brendon's POV


Sarah called us to the table for supper and that's when I noticed that Emerie wasn't at the table. I nudged Sarah under the table and whispered into her ear. "Do you know where Emerie is?"

"Ah, man." Sarah replied, "She's still in the pool." As she told me that I looked out the padio window and saw Emerie laying on a floatie and tanning. "I'll go get her."

I stood up from the table and headed towards the backyard.  "Emerie!" I yelled. She then jumped up and fell into the pool and swam to the edge.  "Why do I have to eat with a bunch of old guys and their pets." She then asked me with a disgusted look on her face.

"They are my friends that I've had since I was your age." I replied  "And hey if you're lucky you might be able to pet the zebra."
"Fine." she finally replied. Of course she'll agree to that. Its a freaking zebra.
Pete's POV
I have no clue what Brandon's doing, so I looked over to Patrick who didn't have a clue either. Brandon finally came back and replied, "Sorry, I had to go get my daughter. I don't think you guys have met her."
Sammantha's POV
Brendon just said he has a daughter. Nobody knew that he even had a daughter. Just like me. I wonder if she's like me? What is she like; what are her favorite things to do in her free time? So many fking questions,... Not enough time. Then Brendon sat down back at the table. "Meet Emerie," Brendon said. I've heard that name before, but where?


Emerie's POV


I then walked into the dinning room area with a white t-shirt over my bikini top and a pair of booty shorts. I looked at my dad with confused face and then realized that there was not only pets, but a super model and a teenage girl sitting at the table next to Pete and Patrick. I sat next to my dad and my mom at the table. We started eating my mom's famous homemade salisbury stake, with sweet corn and mashed potatoes.

Every one dug in to the meal, which then lead to Pete and Joe burping at the same time. Every one started to laugh so hard.  This then led to Andy throwing his plate at Joe. Then lead to a food fight. Food was flying in the air hitting people in their faces. I hid under the table and I then saw across from me that teenager that Patrick brought with him as his guest. "I'm Emerie." I said in a whisper holding out my hand for a friendly shake.  "I've heard that name before, but I'm Sammantha. You can just call me Sammy though." She replied.

I then looked at her long blonde hair and her greenish-brown hazel eyes. That's when I realized who she was.

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