Chapter 18

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POV: Krystal

The sun shining in through the blinds of the hotel room, and the birds singing outside of the open window woke me up the next morning. Beside me, Taylor was still asleep, spread out on her side of the bed. Like a ninja, I climbed out of bed and exited the room, the door closing silently behind me. When I entered the "living room", Mark was on the couch; hands in hair, eyes open, red, and bags under them as though he got no sleep at all. 

"Dad?" I asked, slowly approaching him.

He didn't seem to hear me, as he didn't stop staring down at the ground with that same expression: confused, scared, sad. Why?

As I got closer, the distant look on his face seemed to be replaced with acknowledgement of my presence. He wiped his eyes, saying in an exhausted voice, "Good morning Kiddo."

"What's wrong?" I asked, ignoring his greeting and sitting next to him. 

The distant look returned to him, but only for a second as I grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze to bring him back. At that, he broke, silent sobs coming from him. I was in too much shock to know what to do. It's very rare for him to cry in front of me, and whenever he does, my mind seems to break down and I have no idea what to do. With me doing nothing, I felt a little awkward: my father was before me crying, and all I was doing was sitting there. 

After about two minutes, my brain was slowly booting up, and the first thing I did was wrap my arms around him, not knowing what else to do. Asking what's wrong would only make it worse, so that was pushed away till he calmed down. He didn't move as I hugged him from the side, and neither did I. We sat there, and I knew that my presence was enough for him. 

Some time later, the shakiness of his body went away, and all was still. Then, he pulled away, looking the other way. He sighed, mumbling, "I'm sorry."

With confusion, I asked, "For what?"

There was nothing said, only silence. You could hear the thumping of feet through the walls around us as people started their day. As I started zoning out, Mark spoke up, "We're going home today."

"What?! Why?! We have so much to do still! What about everyone else?!"

"Jack's the only one coming back with us. Everyone else is staying here for the rest of the time."

"Why? What's going on?"

Ignoring me, he stood and started walking away. With anger burning within me, I jumped up and followed, standing before him in rage. "You can't just ignore me like that! What happened to telling each other everything?!" 

There was hesitation, before he said, "We'll talk when we get back to the house."

He walked around me, going to his room and closing the door behind him, leaving me alone with no explanation. 

An hour went by; an hour of nothingness. Mark has been in his room, Taylor's asleep, and no words from any of the others. It's ten o'clock, when we would all be downstairs getting ready to leave for a park. I guess not today. 

For the past thirty minutes, I've been packing my bag silently in the room Taylor has been sleeping in. No emotion can be felt, for all of it was let go of in the hallway for those first thirty minutes of this hour. Anger, confusion, sadness...all of it. Though hurt was the most felt of that moment. It was something that he should have been able to tell me, since we promised to tell each other everything. Especially with something he was so hurt over. 

"Hey," I heard in a faint whisper, breaking me away from my thoughts. 

I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Hiding my emotions, I said, "Morning Taylor."

"What's up with the packing?"

I knew she would notice. 

"We're going back home," I said with no hesitation, along with no emotion. 

"Wait, why the fuck are we going home?" When I didn't answer, I heard the blankets moving around and her light footsteps coming toward me. "Krystal?"

No matter how hard I tried, nothing could come out. I was left with my mouth agape, my eyes starting to water as I looked at my sister, her eyes filled with worry. 

As I did before with Mark, Taylor did to me. Her arms wrapped around my neck tightly, and I responded instantly by wrapping my arms around her torso, my face digging into her neck. Tears rolled down my cheeks, but no sound was made. 

Minutes pass, and Taylor was the one to pull away. "Alright, now that you got your feelings out, what's wrong?"

"I don't know! Mark won't tell me shit, even after we promised to tell each other everything. That's what really has me bummed out. He was in there crying, and then just walked away from me. He didn't say anything! Just that we're going home and that Jack is coming with us."

"Why would Jack be coming with us?"

I flung my hands in the air, "THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!"

Taylor said nothing, so I just went back to packing, angrily this time.  

"Hey," Taylor said, grabbing my shoulders and turning me to her, "calm down, he'll tell you. Maybe he has to work up the courage to tell you or something. He just needs time and will tell you. He tells you everything."

I took a few deep breaths, thought about what she said, and nodded my head. "Ok," I sighed, "I'm good."

She smiled and let go, "Alright! Now let's get packing and you tell me more about Mark, for I'm going to know if he's my father."

Not much time was spent packing since we kept everything packed in our bags. Once Taylor and I were done packing, we took our bags out to the hotel room's front door. Mark and Jack were on the couch, the small whispers they were sharing stopped upon us walking in. A smile, that I knew was fake, instantly went on Jack's face, though Mark just looked down and tried not to look at me. Good; he knew not to even try interacting with me right now. 

"Soooooo, why are we leaving?" Taylor asked the question that I asked millions upon millions of times. 

Jack and Mark stole a glance, one that I couldn't read, before Jack got up and said, "We'll explain when we get back to Mark's place. We promise."

With that being said, we grabbed our bags in silence, heading towards home with acquiesce.

I just hope it isn't something that will tear us apart. 


So I am officially out of school for the summer! YAY! Updates will come more often because I have more time to. They probably won't be everyday, but they will be recent. Maybe every week, it depends. 


But anyways, I'll howl at you later, my pack!

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