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"I really hate doing this..." Munna muttered as they entered Salamence's room. The 230 pound dragon is snoring away, blissfully unaware of the others.
"Same here. But he's the fastest way into town." Toxicroak replies.
"You're absolutely sure we can't just walk there?"
"You know that the way into Lakeview City isn't crossable. Not in reasonable time, at least." He's right. Mountains lie between Lakeview and home. Not an easy, quick, or safe trek on foot. Munna sighs.
"Fine..." Using her psychic abilities, she works her way into Salamence's mind. "I'm in. Just give me the signal."
"On the count of three. One, two three!" Toxicroak slaps Salamence across the face, jolting the massive dragon awake. Munna starts sending calming thoughts to Salamence, quickly placating him before his teeth could rip Toxicroak to pieces.
   "For Arceus's sake, Toxicroak. Why did you have to slap me? Shaking me awake would be less risky. It's almost like you want to lose your head."
"Well I've got someone who can prevent that. So why not go for broke?"
"...whatever. What do you need?"
"Munna has finally agreed to see a psychiatrist. So we need transport to Lakeview."
"And that couldn't wait a few more hours?"
"Well... I'd rather that she didn't change her mind."
"...alright... Fine. I'll be ready to go in about half an hour."
"Sounds good. See you then."


   It didn't take like for Lakeview City to come into view. The city was a very beautiful place. Especially this time of year.
   The city sat on the edge of Glass Lake, so named because the water was so still it was like a plane of glass covered the surface. It's surprisingly beautiful. And, of course, the city was named after the fact that such a beautiful sight was in plain view.
   Soon Salamence touched down and the two passengers disembarked, taking in the sights.
   "This place never ceases to take my breath away. Isn't that right, Munna?" But Munna didn't respond... Looking over the lake with a thousand-yard stare. She is recalling something... "Why are you doing this, Munna?!" Something that's been haunting her for a good while... "Don't do this to me! Please! I don't want to die!" She can almost hear their voices... "Don't hurt him! Please! Don't kill him!"
   "Munna!" Toxicroak yells, bringing Munna back into reality.
   "Yes? What is it?"
   "You were staring off into space. Are you feeling ok?"
   "Yeah... Yeah I'm fine... Let's just get this whole psychiatric thing done, ok?
   "Alright... Then let's go."


   "The dreams you're describing..." The Meowstic psychiatrist said as he sat down at his seat. "I've seen the basic structure before. A manifestation of guilt. It's always a little different from Pokemon to Pokemon, but the same basics remain the same." Guilt... That does make sense... Feelings of that nature have grown since the Bittercold crisis. "And I get the feeling that you know what it is that you feel guilty about. I feel that it would help to get it off your chest."
   "No... No I'd rather not..."
   "Don't worry. I promise to keep it between you and me."
   "Why not just read them straight from my mind?"
   "Because that won't help. You need to tell me yourself." Munna hesitates. What would he think of her if she told him? What she did... It's far more then he probably realizes. But... He is an expert. He trained for this. So him saying it will help is more than likely true.
   "I..." She starts. "I've... Killed people..." It's said. It's out there. No turning back now.
   Meowstic looks slightly shocked by this, but quickly composes himself. "I... I see. Please. Continue."
   "You see... Over the last month or so there were-" wait... No she can't tell him they were humans... He'll peg her as delusional. "-people that I got sent after. I was in a bad way so I needed every pokè I could get. And... It led me into bounty hunting, I guess. One of my targets managed to talk sense into me and I abandoned that life. But I still... Still their deaths weigh down on me..."
   "I see... Well you're not the first ex-bounty hunter I've counseled. All I can say for now is that you need to make clear to yourself that you are no longer part of that world. You have chosen to leave it behind, guilt included. I do have other techniques that can help to alleviate your feelings. Though it will require multiple visits over the course of several weeks."
   "Well, if it helps me, I guess I can try them. Thank you for your help. Though can we have them scheduled later in the day? My transportation gets... Grumpy... When we have to wake him up early."
   "Not a problem. Tomorrow afternoon?"
   "That works. So I'm headed out. My friends are waiting for me."
   "Sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow."


   "Mistress Munna! You're back! How did it go?" Munna fights the urge to tackle Toxicroak.
   "Well... I figured out the cause. My guilt. Considering that I am responsible for quite a few deaths, it is not really a surprise. We're going to work on some thing over the next few weeks. Starting tomorrow afternoon."
   "Thing is, something has come up." The usually quiet Salamence says. When he decides to speak up. It's likely important.
   "What sort of thing?"
   "We've been hearing that there's someone around town looking for us. And they don't exactly look friendly."
   "What? Why?"
   "We're thinking it has something to do with someone we... Well... You know." Toxicroak adds.
   "Oh yeah... We did so something here at Glass Lake, didn't we?"
   "Exactly. So we probably need to scram. Not really keen on encountering whoever we ticked off."
   "Right. Let's go to the outskirts. Taking off in the middle of the city will attract attention. And that may attract whoever we're trying to avoid."
   "I agree." Salamence replies. "I say we do so immediately."

   There they are... The murderers... They think they can sneak away, do they? Think they can escape retribution? Well then they are about to be proved very, very wrong. Munna... It's time for you to pay...

Pokèmar Episode II: Munna's RetributionWhere stories live. Discover now