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"I knew it! I knew there was a human!" Thunder exclaims in response to the hooded figure's statement.
"Indeed. You are perceptive. You caught on to it accurately. And this human has a far greater role to play in the coming years. Therefore he must return."
   "But how? You said yourself that his presence would destroy the universe."
   "Not if the physical laws are altered."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"In the Northern Wilds there lies an entrance to a place known as the Worldcore, a massive Subterranean mystery dungeon deep underground. And in this mystery dungeon lies what is known as the Hill of Universal Order. There, you may grant any wish you so desire, provided your will is strong enough to support it." Munna runs this through her head. While at first she's surprised that she never heard of such a place, its location easily explains why.
The Northern Wilds are untamed and uncivilized. Very few people have ever been able to travel through it safely. And those that do swear on their lives that they'd never, ever go back. As such, the land has never been completely mapped. An entrance to an underground cave network would easily go unseen. Even by aerial flybys. Maybe agreeing to help Thunder wasn't such a good idea after all...
"So if I were to go to this hill and wish to have him returned and everyone's memories of him restored..."
"If you wanted it badly enough you would get it."
"Then that is what I'm going to do!"
"Thunder..." Munna interrupts. "This place is in the middle of the Northerm Wilds! How do you expect to find it without being sacrificed by the natives?"
"The Entercards of course! We'll pop right over to it!"
"Thunder, the wilds are over one hundred miles across. It could be anywhere in there."
"If I may intrude..." The hooded figures interrupts. "You will likely find this useful." He reaches inside his cloak and pulls out a folded up sheet of paper. Curious, Thunder reaches up and takes it. Unfolding it, he discovers that it's a map of the Northern wilds. It shows where the Worldcore is. Granted it only shows where the Worldcore is.
   "Well now that we know where it is..." Thunder starts saying excitedly.
   "Alright. Let's just be careful. I don't want to die out there."
   "Neither do I. Don't worry. I'm not about to get careless. I know that this is extremely risky. But so was the mission to the Glacier Palace. I can do this."
   "I hope you're right, Thunder. For both our sakes."


   Well, as it turns out, getting the Entercards from Umbreon and Espeon will be harder than they first anticipated.
   "The Northern Wilds?!" Espeon yells, gaping in shock at what Thunder is proposing. "No! Absolutely not!"
   "Come on, guys!" Thunder begs. "We've found out how to bring the human back! And make it so we remember him!"
   "No Thunder. No. This little obsession has gone completely out of control. Before, at least we could trust your judgement in battle. But this... This is suicidal!"
   "Espeon, please. Hear me out. Please." Espeon hesitates before looking to her brother as if to seek his input on the matter at hand. He simply does the quadruped equivalent of a shrug prompting her to turn her attention back to Thunder.
   "Alright... Let's hear what you have to say." And so Thunder explains everything. From the inconsistencies in past events to their meeting with the mysterious figure. Bringing it all to their attention.
   "...You bring up a few good points..." Umbreon muses.
   "But I'm not entirely convinced." Espeon finishes. "Do you have any evidence that's not circumstantial?"
   "...No. No I don't." Thunder says sadly. "But I need you to trust me. Sure, it's dangerous. But something tells me that Alex is worth it. Please... Have I steered you wrong before?" Silence falls as Espeon contemplates everything Thunder has said. She probably is torn between supporting Thunder or ensuring his safety. Finally, she lets out a sigh.
   "Alright. We'll do this for you. Just please be careful. We don't want to lose you."
   "Yes! Thank you. That means a lot to me."
   "Get your things ready for the trip." Umbreon says. "We'll meet in Paradise Center tomorrow morning."
   "Sounds good. We'll be ready."


   "Are you ready Munna?" Thunder asks as they approach Paradise Center.
   "As much as I can be... I'm hoping this starts to make things right for me. Bringing back someone I attempted to kill."
   "I understand. I'm hoping that you find some peace in it as well." Their conversation ends as they approach the center. The entire team was waiting for them there, ready to cheer them on.
   "So you're actually doing this, huh?" Virizion asks.
   "I am. And with any luck, we should be back with someone new in tow."
   "Alright. Just be safe."
   "Yeah. I'd be lonely without another electric rodent to talk to." Emolga adds.
   Thunder chuckles in response. "Thanks Emolga. Are you ready, Umbreon?"
   "I am."
   "Then let's get this show on the road." Umbreon nods before setting the Entercards to the appropriate coordinates. He presses down on it and the red ringed Magnagate springs to life in its familiar display. "Alright you two. Hop in." Thunder and Munna quickly get situated inside the rings if the gate, watching as they slowly disappear one by one. Soon they are down to the last ring and the gate is about to close-
   "Munna! You're not escaping that easily!" Munna's heart rate picks up at those words. It was Empoleon. How was she able to get into Pokemon Paradise?! People know about her and what she wants to do! Empoleon streaks towards the two of them, bladed arms drawn. It all happened so fast that no one could react quick enough. The moment she stepped into the gate, it closed, dragging the three of them into the mystery dungeon it created.

  "No no no!" I yell as I watch this happen from the pond. This is not good. Empoleon has proven to be dangerous. If she manages to kill them... No. No Thunder we'll make it out. He always has. He will succeed. And we will be reunited. Don't let this chance be taken from me... I want to see them again... Don't fail me Thunder. Please...

Pokèmar Episode II: Munna's RetributionWhere stories live. Discover now