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   The time has come... Alex has been absent for too long. It's time to bring him back. Thunder feels himself shudder in excitement. He'll be able to see his friend once again! Go on missions and make the world a better place. Together.
   "I wish..." Thunder starts, gathering every memory of every joyful experience he and Alex ever had. That's what he wants. That's why he's here. To feel these joys once again. "I wish Alex would return to Pokèmar!" With that he exerts every ounce of will he can muster, which is a whole lot in this instance. Surely this will be more than enough!
   The stars begin their dance once again, burning brighter and brighter. But there's something off. Their patterns of movement... Erratic, violent. Not like the smooth graceful movements before. Something is wrong. The cavern shudders. Dust and pebbles dislodged from the ceiling fall onto the two of them. The rumbling continues to grow in power. Soon it's large chunks of rock that are falling.
   "What?! What's happening?" Thunder asks, concerned.
   "The cavern... It's collapsing! I think your wish was too much!" Munna yells in response.
   "No... No it can't fail... I can't let it fail!"
   "Thunder, we need to leave! We're about to be buried alive!"
   "I'm not going to just leave him!"
   "Thunder, we can't do anything more! Don't risk your life for this!"
   "No! No there must be a way! Wait... You said Alex is watching us right?"
   "Yes, but I don't see what that has to to with anything!" Munna says as she moves to avoid a large chunk of falling rock.
   "Then maybe there's still a chance..."

   "Alex! Can you hear me!?" Thunder cries to me.
   "Yes! Yes I can!" I respond, almost involuntarily. I know he can't possibly hear me, but I just do it out of reflex.
   "Your will must be as strong as mine! Focus it! With both of us it may be enough!" That may just be our best chance. I close my eyes and concentrate... Pokèmar... It's not just another world to me. It's home. I am as much a part of it as any of the many residents. I have left a lasting impact on the people here. So much so that they could track me down.
   I remember the times I had with Thunder. The days we spent exploring the depths of mystery dungeons and doing good for those around us. The positive changes made to those we encounter. I wish to experience it again. I want to return to my other life. To experience the joys and sorrows that come with. And most of all, I want to have Thunder by my side once again! Please! Let me return to Pokèmar!
   A familiar feeling envelopes me. The thickness of the air. It's the orb! The orb that brought me back to earth! Opening my eyes I see that I am now floating above the pond, slowly being lowered in. It appears to be acting like a portal between our worlds. I feel my human form alter and change. I'm turning back into a Snivy! This is actually happening!
   Soon I completely enter the pond, leading me directly into the cavern where my friend resides. It's him... It's actually him... I get to see him again... Before long, the orb settles to the floor and dissipates. I now stand atop the surface of Pokèmar once more. A silence envelopes us as we take in everything that has happened.
   I'm the first to break the silence. "Thunder!" I call out as I rush towards him. I outstretch my arms and embrace him tightly. To which he returns the gesture. And the feeling of physical contact shuts down all my doubts of this being a fantasy. This is real. This is a hundred percent real. I'm back! "You have no idea how much I missed you..." I say, slightly choked up.
   "I wish I could say the same." He responds. "What with the whole 'not remembering you' thing."
   "Well you remember now. Everyone remembers. And I'm here to stay." We break the hug as Thunder reaches into his bag.
   "Here. I'm willing to bet you're gonna want these back." He says as he hands me two familiar items. My bandana and my team badge. A smile creeps across my face as I tie the bandana on and clip the badge into place.
   "Now it's truly like nothing had ever happened. How about we go see everyone back at Paradise again?"
   "I couldn't agree more."


   The next few days were busy. Munna and Empoleon had to stand trial for what they did (or thankfully only attempted to do). Both were inevitably sentenced to prison time, but Munna got it far easier with Thunder and I vouching for her changed ways. But rest assured their cells are far, far apart.
   I also learned an interesting fact. Every time I go to sleep on Pokèmar I wake up on earth and vice versa. So now I effectively live two separate lives! As for my return, there was quite the celebration. There was also a lot of apologizing on behalf of New Hope for for not believing Thunder. Though we definitely aren't holding that against them.
   "So, Alex." Thunder says to me, bringing me back to attention as we make our way through paradise. "What do you plan to do now that you're back?"
   "I guess... Do what we always do. Shine as a beacon in the darkness and all that."
   "Give hope to those who have none." Thunder responds, continuing the mantra.
   "And protect those who cannot protect themselves."
   Then finally, in unison, "We are Team New Hope!"

   It's the dream again. The one where she gets killed by the ones hunting her. No. Not this time. She's not going to let it happen this time.
   "I know you're out there, Empoleon." She says. "And I'm not going to be tormented by you any longer!" Of course Empoleon still approaches her. But she's not afraid. This is her turf. Her rules. And she will not succumb to her foe. She uses psychic to stop her attacker in their tracks. "It's over. I will not let the guilt eat away at me. I have forgiven myself. And though you may never do the same, I won't let it tear me down. Goodbye, Empoleon." With those words, the Emperor Pokemon fades into nothing, no longer able to torment her.
Finally... she is free.

To be continued in...
Thunder's Past

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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