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SamBam, being as passive aggressive as he was, responded with, "Well at least I can play Rocket League like a pro you scrub."

J-Boy burst out in laughter. "What? That doesn't even make sense. I challenge you to a Card-Jitsu battle!" He said as he pulled a piece of shit Chromebook out of his pocket. 

Then, Zozo, a girl in their grade with purple highlights walked over and tried to take J-Boy's Chromebook.  "No Zozo!" J-Boy shouted, slamming his chromebook shut. 

"WAHHHHH!" Zozo screamed like a strangled flamingo, since her hand was stuck in the closed Chromebook. 

SamBam blastoised away, not wanting to be seen at a crime like this. 

J-Boy opened his computer screen to see shattered glass. Normally, he would've been totally pissed, because now he wouldn't have his daily dosage of memes (and because Zozo was flinging her bloody and broken hand all over), but for some reason, all J-Boy could feel was emptiness as his true love fled to the other classroom.

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