Chapter 2

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Victoria pov
I was woken by Mrs. Darby "Sorry to wake you but it's time for your morning pills." I sat up and yawned "Ok." It had been a few days since I asked for a phone to be brought into my room and I talked a lot to Ratchet, some times giving him a different point of view to a problem or a different way to deal with his patients. I look at my notebook, after taking my pills and realized that today was the day that Ratchet said he might be able to come and visit me. I smiled and began to write in my notebook but I was so excited I could get myself to focus. I checked the time every 5 minutes. "Please be able to come please!" I begged over and over and over.

"Victoria are you alright?" Mrs. Darby asked as she walked in with my afternoon pills. "I'm fine, it's just my old friend might get to visit me today." I said excitedly then took my pills. "Tell me his name, so when he comes in I'll be able to direct him to your room." She said and I nodded "Good idea! And his name is Ratchet, well his nickname I don't exactly remember his real name." There was a small lie in what I said but what she doesn't know won't hurt her. "Ratchet, ok, if he comes I send him right up." She said with a smile before grabbing the pills and left the room.

June Darby pov
'She must've gotten his number off my cell when I left it in her room. And I am going to have to talk to him about this after he visits her, I don't want to ruin her happiness.' I thought before grabbing my cell and speed dialing Ratchet. "Is something wrong June?" He asked when he picked up the call. "So, your Victoria's "old friend", when were you planning on telling the rest of us?" I asked and I could hear him begin to stutter I-I…" "Let me stop you there. This is how it's going to work, your going to visit this girl, she has been in the hospital for most of her life and you will be the only one to visit her and make her happy, and then when you leave you will explain this to the whole base." I said in my stern mother voice. He didn't even try to fight it "On my way." Then we hung up.

Victoria pov
I sat back on my bed, it was real late. I covered my eyes and tried my very best to keep from crying when suddenly there was this knock on my door, I figured it was Mrs. Darby. "Come in." I said quietly looking out the window. "Your Victoria?" A male voice asked and I looked over to see a man maybe in his early 60s, late 50s. He was wearing an orange shirt with black pants with matching black boots. His hair, I think, was a little silver-ish. "Yes, I'm Victoria, and you are?" I asked. "Ratchet, sorry it took me so long but I had quite a busy day." He answered with a small smile and I smiled and patted the chair next to me "Come, sit, and tell me all about your day." I grinned from ear to ear as he began explaining his day to me.
In the middle of talking Mrs. Darby came in and gave me my night pill, it was the one that makes me kind of loopy. She gave a warning to Ratchet "It acts pretty fast and she'll be saying all kinds of things." as she walked of out the room. "Got it," he turned back to me, "So tell me about yourself." "Well I was brought here when I was seven, originally I lived in California, at first they thought I had pneumonia and then they realized it wasn't that but something they've never seen before so I've been here, in this bed, for twelve years." I said then laughed "You know your pretty! I like the way your eyes sparkle and their a very pretty blue color." And then after laughing I sat there and sobbed quietly "I hate this pill and what it does to me because I act like this! I'm so embarrassed!"

Ratchet pov
I just chuckled "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me, one of my patients, nicknamed Smokie, is a lot worse than this little bit." "Come here, I have a secret to tell you." She whispered loudly, her cheeks were hot pink, seeming kind of drunk, whatever that pill was, it sure made her loopy but to humor her I lend in close to hear this "secret" she had. "Is it bad that I have a big crush on you?" She asked in a loud whisper "Your probably the only man I'll ever meet."

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