Chapter 4

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Ratchet pov
I raced to the elevator, after arriving at the hospital. It was a quiet and I was losing my patients then as soon as the doors open I raced to her room but before I knocked, I paused to catch my breath "Calm be calm." Then knocked and opened the door.
I walked in to see Victoria was paler than normal and they had her on oxygen. She looked over and smiled "Ratchet! What do I own this surprise visit!?" "Well," I sat down, "I've got some special surprises for you." Some color had returned to her face when she looked at me "Really? Surprises for me?" I nodded "But I'll need you to come with me." She smiled "Anything to get out of this hospital." And then she weakly pointed to a wheelchair. Quickly I got up and rolled it over to her, then helped her into the chair and hooked her up to the oxygen tank on the back of it. "And we're off!" She said and pointed to the door as I pushed her to it.
I pushed her down the hallway. "Hey! Where are you taking her!?" Some doctor yelled and began to chase us. "Hang on!" I said as I began to run, Victoria was laughing and shouting "Faster!" I had to sharply turn past other doctors and nurses who joined the chase, soon we made it out to the parking lot and over to my alt-mode. I quickly opened the back door and placed her inside, locking the wheelchair into place before rushing to the driver's seat and speeding off.
"Where are we going?" She asked. "First we need to make a stop and get you some new clothes." I replied and gestured to her hospital gown. "Good call." She said with a nod "Can we play some music?" "What station?" I asked and she quickly answered "93.3 Jake FM!" I turned to the station and the some song called Holy, Holy, Holy by Florida Georgia Line came on. Victoria was singing right along with the song, word for word. I was quietly listening to the song and her, I smiled slightly and pulled up to a store, but I let the song end before we got out.
I rolled her into the store where she quickly grabbed an iPhone and turned the radio back on. "Where'd you get that?" I asked. She smirked "Took from one of the nurses." I just chuckled then asked "Alright, see anything you like?" as we passed a bunch of human clothes. She grabbed a shirt and a pair of shorts "To the dressing room!" I rolled my eyes at her playfulness and rolled that way.

She stood, wobbly, and walked out of the dressing room "What do you think?" I looked at her shirt that said I heart my doctor across her chest and the shorts had love written on the butt. She laughed and pointed at my face "You're blushing! Mission accomplished!!" Then sat back down in the wheelchair, when she almost fell over. We didn't have any money but that wasn't going to stop us. The clerk looked away and Victoria whispered "Go!" We raced passed him as he yelled "You gotta pay for that!" Then through the sliding doors and out to my alt-mode.

Victoria pov
"Alright, now, to our first stop." He said and then some portal thing appeared in front of us and he drove into it.
He drove into this strange looking building. I noticed three kids, June, and some black guy; not trying to be racist. And then a bunch of robots!
Ratchet stopped and then helped me out and rolled me over to June before he disappeared! I looked around until the ambulance began to shift then transformed "Dude, your a Cybertronian! Awesome!!" He walked over and bent down to my level...kind of "I apologize for not telling you sooner." I just laughed "My best friend is an alien! Best day of my life!!" He cracked a smile and the young girl, with pink and black hair shouted "Doc Bot is smiling!" He ignored her an her weird rant. "What are we going to do first?" I asked. "If I tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" He asked and stood, walking over to a panel. "Why did you have to make a good point!"I asked him as a yellow and black bot gently picked me up, wheelchair and all, and set me on this platform.

To be continued!

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