Looking for auntie

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Chapter 3:

Getting off of the plane was actually really hard because all of these snooty people wanted to be first because they think they are more important than anybody else. So I just pushed them out of the way and got dirty looks from them, (like I care). Also Austin just decides to stay by me when I am supposed to look for my aunt. This kid does not know what personal space is.

"Can you get away from me I am trying to find my aunt," I said trying to push him out of the way but he just keeps on coming back.

"Well I could help you plus I am looking for my mom so if I help you, you help me how does that sound," He said trying to be very convincing but it's not working.

"Um how bout no plus you don't even know what my aunt looks like and I don't know what your mom looks like even though I barely remember what my aunt looks like," I said mumbling the last bit because well I moved when I was seven so don't judge me.

"Well here let me describe you my mom she has shoulder length brown wait WHAT,"

"Shh," People around us said and gave us dirty looks. Well in my defense it wasn't even quit in here.

"How do you not know what your aunt looks like I mean come on who forgets that," Austin said getting all crazy on me. I mean seriously is it that bad that I don't remember my own aunt I mean come on seriously.

"Hey it's not my fault I had to leave everyone behind I didn't want to leave in the first place," I said getting kind of mad because he thinks that a person who left when she was seven will remember everything yeah think again.

"Sorry okay I thought you would at least remember something," He said like I would magically remember everything.

"Well why don't we find your mom fist okay?"

"Fine let's just find her," He said telling me what she looks like while he looks around.

Even after all this time nothing so I decide to stand on a chair and look for her, I mean San Antonio isn't that big is it? Yup it officially sucks to not remember anything. I even call her name but still nothing. Until we walk outside and she is getting out of a ford.

"Mom where have you been we have been looking everywhere for you," Austin said but when he said we his mom's eyes traveled around him to me.

"We well where are your manners Austin Carter Mahone," She said and I could hold back my laughter so I had to bit my lip and keep a smile.

"Mom did you have to say my full name," He said making a pouty face, "and this is Ella..."

"Carter Hello and you are so beautiful Mrs. Mahone," I said extending my arm and giving her a genuine smile because she really is.

"Oh please darling you are stunning and sweet but just call me Michele," She said returning the smile. "Well how did you guys meet," She said sounding so sweet.

"Um I would love to tell you but I have to find my aunt so why don't you tell her Austin," I said giving him a wink and turning away and walking back into the airport.

It's going to be so hard finding....

"WAIT Ella," Someone said and I turned around and to my surprise it was Austin.

"Yes did you forget something," I said giving a confused look because well isn't this kind of cliché.

"Oh um my mom wants to know if you would have dinner with us I mean you and your aunt once you find her," He said laughing nervously.

"Well I would love to but I have to find my aunt first," I said laughing too. We just stand there awkwardly until some lady screams out my name from behind me.

I turn out and I get a flash back of a lady with short jet black hair, Glasses, and green eyes.

"Tia Cindy?" I ask getting a little headache.

"Ella is that really you oh my goodness you have grown up so much haven't you," She said getting teary eyes and walking over to me giving me a hug.

I smile when I smell her scent because it smells like home to me. There was a cough that interrupted us. I turn around and remember that Austin is here, that's kind of funny though.

"Oh I am sorry Tia Cindy this is Austin Mahone I met him on the plane and his mother wants to know if we would like to have dinner with them," I said giving her a sweet smile because it just feels so good to be home.

"Oh well we have to get you unpacked and cleaned but I think we could make it work," she said giving me a warming smile and looking at Austin the same.

"Well okay then but Ella that means you can finally give me your number," Austin said giving me a cheeky grin.

"Oh don't you feel like you succeeded today," I said in a baby voice and pinching his cheek.

"Ha ha very funny," He said all sarcastically while pulling out his phone.

This summer may be very different then what I expected.

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