Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Coming to Texas was not suppose to be like this I was suppose to spend time with my family and have a nice relaxing time, going swimming, Skype my friends, and just have fun, but apparently I just can’t have that can I.

No guy has ever liked me and I just got here. I don’t even know what to do when a guy likes me I never had that talk with my mom but I had the awkward talk just not about guys because I never trust easily.

Anyways I just hope nothing goes to bad so I could have a nice time and see my family.

“Hey Ella how’s it been?” I heard a very familiar voice say. I turned around and guess who it was. Nope it wasn’t Jose the jalapeño on a stick. It was Austin and his friends well isn’t that great can’t even get Starbucks without running into them I mean seriously is this town small or something.

“Oh hey guys I am great I just saw you yesterday remember”, I said while giving them weird looks.

“Right well you never know something could have ha-happened when you left you kn-know”, Alex said while scratching the back of his neck nervously.

“Okay well I better go my aunt is probably waiting for me um bye”, I said more like a question and turning on my heel.

“Hey wait Ella do you want to hang out again or are you busy”, Austin said while looking everywhere else but my eyes.

“Um I have to see but maybe I will call you k”, I said giving him a small smile so they won’t feel nervous anymore.

“Yeah sure bye”, He said and with that I was finally out in the hot air drinking my coffee. Yup I am living the life.


“Hey Tia Cindy am I able to hang out with Austin and his friends again”? Please say no please say no,

“Of course you can just call if you need a ride or if you won’t be home in time for dinner”, Dang it I was hoping she was going to say no, but I guess I have to face them some time.

“Thanks I am going to go change into something more comfortable then I will leave okay”, I said while heading to the stairs.

“Alright you sure you don’t want me to drop you off because I wouldn’t mind-“

“No that’s alright I will walk I need to clear my mind anyways”, I said while going up the rest of the way. So I guess sweats will be fine I mean I am not visiting the queen right, oh who I am kidding even if I do meet the queen I will still be in sweats.

What do I even talk to them about I don’t know what to say or do and why am I so nervous it’s because you found out that they like you duh, oh shut up maybe you are a little right but so what they like me are you gonna sue me or something.

Ring ring ring

Oh great I wonder who that could be.


Does god just hate me or something, why does he have to call right now?

Me: hello

Austin: hey Ella I was wondering if you could hangout again?

Me: uh my aunt said sure so I will be there in a couple of minutes so bye.

I hung up the phone before he could say anything else because I don’t want any more surprises right now I have too much on my plate and I didn’t even know I had a plate? So I just grab my phone, headphones, backpack, say goodbye to my aunt, and leave. While singing and dancing because there is no fun in just walking. 

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