Chapter Thirteen

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Act Normal


I watched as the golf ball flies high into the sky before going over the large brick wall. Wynn smiled as the dead moaned in anger on the other side. "Hole in one!"

I narrow my brows at her as I sit in the shade of a nearby tree. Wynn had brought me here because she wanted to blow off some steam, but I didn't know that meant playing golf. Wynn turned to me with a smile. The silver golf club in her hand shimmered in the hot sunlight as she pointed it at me. "Are you sure you don't want to try?" She asked for the tenth time today. I shake my head.

"I'm not really good at golf." 

"You don't have to be good at it," she said as she reached for another ball from Richard's golf bag. "You just have to put all of your problems into one tiny ball." She said as she placed it on the holder. "Then," she stepped back, "all you have to do," she leveled the putter, "is swing!"

The ball flew up into the air, rising high above the living before falling into the depths of the dead. The undead on the other side yelled in agitation. That was ball number eight that she had hit. Wynn sighs gratefully at her progress. "Yep, there's nothing better than throwing Richard's money away."

"Yeah," I sigh, "about that, are you sure that you should be using Richard's golf clubs?" I asked pointing out the black golf bag with Richard's initials stitched in large golden letters.

Wynn shrugged as she grabbed another ball. "I have no regrets. Besides, Zoey, Richard is pretty chill." I roll my eyes. I was pretty sure that Richard wasn't going to be okay with this, no matter how 'chill' he was. 

I shift slightly on the dying grass beneath me. We had been here for almost an hour and this is all she had done. I didn't ask her what had bothered her and I didn't want to...and, by the way, she furrowed her brows as she hit the golf balls, I was kind of scared to ask. Wynn swings again and another ball joins the rest on the other side of the wall. I gaze upward at the gray bricks that were compiled into a large border as the balls soar through the air. The monsters on the other side groaned even louder.

I watch Wynn as she continues this act. I had slightly wondered what could have made this bubbly girl so angry that she needed to blow off steam. However, I didn't let it overwhelm me. Knowing how random she was with everything that surrounded her, it was probably something that wouldn't affect a normal person.

Although, "normal" wasn't really the right word for anything in the world.

It was not "normal" that a viral disease appeared from nowhere to terrorize the inhabitants of Earth. It was not "normal" that people suddenly started to feed off of the flesh of their loved ones. It was not "normal" when no matter how many times someone shot at the infected, the dead would still walk. Nothing about this world or the people in it is "normal".

The apocalypse was something that no one had saw coming. It was slow and unexpected. Maybe we would have been more prepared if we weren't so focused on such trivial things. Now, things such as stocks and the controversial news didn't phase anyone anymore. Before we were so caught up in our daily lives that we didn't realize the imminent threat that was, truly, right in front of us. 

Everyone has changed. Whether due to fear, or grief, or pure anger, I have discovered that everyone had changed in some form of fashion. I know this about everyone except for Wynn. 

I, personally, couldn't picture this carefree girl as anything else. With her lighthearted personality, Wynn always seems to find a good thing to every tragedy that happens now. Just the other day, we heard that one of our classmates had committed suicide...

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