Time will tell

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Kyle's POV

I was teleported to a spot near the location, I saw that no one was about and recognised some of the land features, "umm, thanks miss Heroinbrine" I say and was about to turn around, "be careful.... this is very dangerous, but I'm sure you'll be fine" she said, then hugged me, I was alittle surprised, and then hugged her back, she was shocked at my touch, but soon let go, she nodded and smiled at me, then teleported away, I then cock my M4 and turn on my night sights, then made my way to my objective.

But for some reason, I couldn't get her out of my mind, almost like Andr and Endy, and Whitney the witch princess looked good too.... I hope I'm not falling for other girls, God, Endy would kill me, 'well, kill them, probably. She would definitely rape me.... Not that I would mind it tho, hahaha' I thought, then slowly walked away.

Dom's POV

I was checking the warrior, I had the shipping case removed and tried to get in the back of it. But the power wasn't on, so I got into the top  and head to the front part of the vehicle, then opened the drivers hatch, looked around the compartment and turned the power on, that then activated the hydraulics system to open the rear door, I then got out and saw a few items, like food, sleeping bags and medical supplies... And a 81mm Mortar, "sweet" I said, "what ?" Asked Patter, "it looks like we got some mobile artillery, a lovely 81mm mortar, the mortar shell have a blast radius of 40 metres, but I'm only half skilled in the use of these" I said, "well, you will be good if we ever need it, especially if it's your ass on the line" he said, "yeah, but ranged combat ain't my thing" I said, pulling out my bayonet.

Then Blazette came up to me, "the nether queens want to speak to you, and the Overworld queens want to talk with your friend here" she said, "right away" I said and put my bayonet back in its scabbard, Patter put down the .50 calibre sniper rifle and headed over to the queens, "Dom, what have you done this time ?" Asked Patter, "I've no idea, but I am wondering" I said, I get walked into another room, and saw all five of the princesses including Blazette and five queens, Selina, Samantha, Tracy of the Zombie pigmen, Lucy of the Magma cubes and Loren of the Ghast, I salute them, then take a knee, "you requested my presence, your highnesses" I said.

"Yes, we did, and we wanted to know.... How do you feel about serving our daughters, please be honest" said Lucy, they sounded unsure, but I don't know what about.
"I feel happy to serve the princesses, but is there something wrong with me offering security services ?, as I detect worry or doubt in your voice" I say, looking up. "No,no, we dint mean the security, we are on about 'serving' our daughters, like their needs, how do you feel about that ?" Asked Tracy, and the princesses blushed lightly, and so did I.

"Well, I'm not complaining about that, after all, it is one of my primal instincts or cognitive functions, but I'm guessing there is more to the question" I said.
The queens blushed, then Samantha said "do... You like our daughters... Like us..." She said, she whispered the last part quietly, but I heard it, "your majesty, I did hear the last bit, and... I-it feels like love to me, for both them and yourselves, but if it's because I was given a purpose again or something more.... I can't say, it is for you to decide" I said, they nodded, "there is a dance coming up, I thought you and your friends would like to come" said Winter, "Sure we would, but Heroinbrine will have to get my suit from my world" I said, "then is sorted" the Queens said, and then Patter came in, "Dom... Kyle is in trouble..." He said, I nodded and grabbed my helmet, "right, get you weapons, we are going in for a hard fight....."

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