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Dom's POV

Everything was quite well, I was used as a sledge but I was ok, then the window is broken and some one is surrounded by guards, with various cables, attached to the suit, which was a black combat jumpsuit, with lightweight Kevlar armour and lightweight assault helmet with a controlled, polarised face visor.

A rifle slung over their back and in their hands, a Glock 18 with a 30 round magazine, pointed at the guards, as well as a knife held in their other hand, poised to strike at any close target that wouldn't need a pistol to deal with.

I saw Kyle mutter to Pats, "well, this is new" he said, "yeah... But you know what ?" Pats replied, then continued "I bet it's another boy and American under that jumpsuit" he said, Kyle looked at him, "your on, what's your wager ?" Asked Kyle, "it it's not a boy and American, I'll do your jobs and chore around the castle for a month, if I win, you must kiss Endy on the lips, tongue included" pats finished.

"Really ?" Kyle said , somewhat shocked, "yeah, and I want to see to see it in this hall, in front of all these women, you got to take her off her feet and then wink at the crowd when done" Pats says. With a big grin.

"B..ill be dead.... How.. (Sighs) fuck it, your on... " Kyle shakes pats hands "Your so boned" pats said, "why ?" Kyle asked with an uneasy smile, "you'll see" said Pats, he nodded to me.

I just nodded back and walked out to the guards, "your majesty, could you swap these..." Heroinbrine nodded and clicked her fingers, me, Pats and Kyle had our normal combat gear on,  with our pistols in holsters, and rifles slung.

I walked past the guards and said "stand down, I'll handle this" I then walked past without listening to their replies, I stood in front of the figure, who looked at me, tilting their head slightly.

"Hey, mind toning down a bit, and we can talk, soldier to soldier" I said calmly, the figure said "listen you stupid fuck, I want to know what the hell is going on, Where the hell this place ?, How did I get here ? And why all the women near me are carrying swords ?, and who are you ?, answer me before I fucking kill you, you Asshole" said the figure, this figure sounded like a guy, but it's hard to tell with the helmet on.

"Now that's uncalled for" said one of the girls, I just sighed lightly.

"Kyle hand me your revolver, one round in the cylinder, and spin it, don't care where the round is, just get it done" I said in a dead toned voice, unnerving most of the women around me and the princesses.

Kyle nodded and took his .44 revolver out, removed 5 rounds and spun the cylinder, looking away as he did, then slammed the cylinder back, he threw the weapon to me, I caught it with ease.

I saw the figure hold the Glock tighter, "put that away, and take this" I said, with a pure, commanding voice, empty of intent and emotion. reluctantly, the figure placed the pistol in it's holder, and grabbed the handle of the .44, holding it properly, then looked at me, I stepped closer and the hammer was pulled back, the revolver's barrel was touching my forehead.

"Not another step" said the figure.

The nether princesses were shouting, "STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY", "GUARDS. STOP THEM" and other shouts that were drowned out by the moment.

The figure called me an Asshole... Not a smart move, if not meant in a joking way that is wasn't, this changes everything about me, I snap into this... What ever I turn into... Something that can be really intimidating.

I stare at the figure, "go on, pull the trigger... See if my bullet, or an empty click" I said, "why are you doing this ?" The figure asked, sounding confused "Russian Roulette, with the stakes raised and a slight alteration to the rules" I said, "why ?" The figured asked. "To prove a point, that I'm not afraid of an idiot with a gun, because I know what your going through, so I give my life in your hands to prove this isn't a trick... so please, and it back to me" I say.

No breaks at home. (Soldier X Minecraft mob talker mob)Where stories live. Discover now