<Chapter two>

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Ok so Chapter Two broke and I cant change or delete it, so i copy pasted it into here

pray to your god that it works.

Yes so this will be taking priority over Counting Sparks as this seems to be far more popular (so yeah this has ONE HUNDRED FRICKIN READS)

and that makes me sad because counting sparks is my favourite

so if your reading this and you havent read counting sparks then please check it out and vote, it takes one second to push that button and it makes me super happy

love all of you amazing people.

if there are any mistakes, that is because i have done no editing, but i will read it once i upload and i should get all those fixed.

if i can be botered.

so maybe not.


There was silence in the small living room. Mamrie had put the tv on in the background as the silence was making her uneasy. She

stole a nervous glance ay Hannah, then at Grace before looking back to her phone. Hannah's lips were pursed and she was giving the

wall in front of her a steely glare. Grace, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. She was rubbing her hands together and looking

around the room at the two sisters, trying to get a response, but Mamrie was now too engrossed in what seemed to be the newest Tyler

Oakley video to notice Grace and Hannah was too downright pissed off to pay any attention to either of them. Grace tried to get up so

she could leave the room, but as she got up Hannah spoke.

"Don't move." She said, still looking straight ahead. Grace looked over to Mamrie, silently asking for help before sitting down. "After

what has happened today I just want to enjoy your company."

Enjoy my company? Grace thought. Maybe she wasn't so pissed at her after all.

All three of them sat in silence for the next thirty minutes, when suddenly, Hannah got a call on her phone. She got up and left the


"Hello?" Her tone was slightly irritated. Grace took this chance to quickly make a swift exit. She still had so much to do. She went on

tumblr and made a text post asking for things that she should review.The replies were rolling in within seconds. She refreshed and

scrolled, refreshed and scrolled for a good ten minutes until she found one she liked. She got her note pad out and began writing ideas

for the video. She then re-did her make up and hair, put some fresh clothes on and set her camera up.

By the time she had finished filming it was close to an hour later, and she still had to edit and upload. She loaded the film onto her

computer and began the long process.

She looked at the clock. It read 10:20. She was shattered. Not only was she dealing with a hangover, but also the guilt of the hangover.

The house was empty, both the sisters had gone out to a party for a friend that Grace didn't know. She could do whatever she wanted.

She grabbed her coat and put her boots on. She put her wallet in her pocket and left the apartment. Being a YouTuber paid well, she

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